The appearance of the worms, and the characteristics of the most common types

Helminthiasis causes discomfort for the patient. Worms live in the body of the people, provoke the emergence of serious diseases and even death. Do not underestimate the negative impact of Helminthiasis. Upon the occurrence of the first signs of an infection with worms recommended that you consult a doctor immediately. However, symptoms that are observed when these Helminthiasis, and other diseases. The first signs of infection – worms in the feces. If you of worms?


Characteristics Of Pinworms

Worm infestations hits in adults and in children. For confirmation of the disease, fecal analysis has to give. But you see the parasites, and your own. It is a Symptom indicating that a Person or animal is infected.

Pinworms is helminths, the most common in children. You will easily be transferred and in the case of non-compliance with the preventive measures in the body. Symptoms of the disease is shown by 3-10 days. Pinworms are parasites in the small intestine and colon. Worms have a short lifespan and die after a few months. This does not mean, however, that after 60 days, the person is healthy. Every day a Patient is infected. The dead animals replace the young worms that have previously penetrated into the body.

Detect pinworms in kalowych the masses easily. After his appearance worms, a small piece of similar thread. In General, its length is not greater than 1.5 cm in Kale is quite easy thanks to the bright color.

Parasites have a negative impact on the body. Such worms in the stool in children – an important reason to see a doctor.

Pinworms cause appendicitis. Due to their stay in the human body, the intestines and the genitals inflamed. Pinworms from the body, the toxic substance in the area of the sphincter. It causes unbearable itching. Worms are able to produce more than 8 million eggs.

In the presence of pinworms when patients experience the following symptoms:

  • Gag reflex;
  • Headaches;
  • Insomnia;
  • a significant reduction of appetite;
  • Diarrhea;
  • the fecal mass, the mucus;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • Urinary incontinence in the night.

Longer disease observed in the course of complications in patients who are in the habit of nibbling the nail plate. Ill involuntarily scratching in the night the skin in the anal area to stop under the nail plate of the eggs of parasites. Later, they fall cave in the mouth.

To notice at the time of infection with worms, eggs of the pinworms in kalowych the masses is impossible, because the females lay their eggs in the gastro-intestinal tract.

Thread worm

Not all know how the worms see in humans. However, you do with this information is extremely important. Helminths in Calais is the major Symptom that confirms the presence of worms.

Nematode parasitize often para in the body of children and adults.

Under favorable conditions the eggs the larva is formed. The entry in the body of a human, the parasite moves in the gastro-intestinal tract, where the egg is released and travels into the bloodstream. From there, the roundworms spread throughout the body and penetrate many of the vital organs. In the intestine the larvae are full-fledged nematode hatch. Finally, to the small intestine not earlier than half a year.

In people with Ascaris, the following symptoms occur:

  • gratuitous allergic reactions;
  • Stomach cramps;
  • Gag reflex;
  • Fatigue;
  • Headaches;
  • Loss of appetite.

To put the thread worm, the eggs begin three months later. The waste products of the many facilities that the parasites in the organism, are non-toxic to the patient. You can the cause of the occurrence of the strongest allergic reaction. In the late treatment of parasites in a tangle can get caught and clog the intestinal, obstruction provoked him. In this case, is for a full recovery is necessary to resort to surgery. Medicines do not work in the case of intestinal obstruction.

For children, the biggest risk thread worm, the fall into the mouth wear, and can move in the trachea or the nasal passages. The life cycle is 1 year.

Thread worm hit the most, the children. Adults suffer from these type of worms are much rarer. Because children forget more often, washing hands before eating and drink unwashed fruit and vegetables.

Look whipworms

The life cycle of the parasite is about 6 years. This type of worms has the following features:

  • the length varies from 3 to 5 cm;
  • the body is elongated and thread reminds incision;
  • the head of the parasite to detect much thinner than the hull, in kalowych the masses without much difficulty.

Whip the wall of the intestine and provoke inflammation hurt. The parasite blood eating this. The presence in the body of Trichocephalus trichiurus (whipworm), a Patient complains of the following symptoms:

  • persistent cramps on the right side of the abdomen;
  • Loss of appetite, maybe its groundless increase;
  • Gag reflex;
  • change of the chair;
  • Migraine;
  • Insomnia;
  • Irritability;
  • Apathy;
  • Anemia.

The final diagnosis can the doctor only in the case of the detection of whip-worms ' eggs in feces through a microscope. For the treatment of experts most frequently prescribed medication. It is important, preventive measures to reduce the risk of infection.

Description Of Trichinella

Only a few know how the larvae of the worms see. They rarely fall in the fecal mass and you can only see the doctor in carrying out of special analyses. Trichinella parasites – these parasites, which carry a special risk for the human health. They are characterized by the following characteristic features:

  • small size;
  • the rounded shape;
  • white color.

Even in the feces detection of Trichinella is very difficult.

The infection can occur in the use of thermal processed meat of pigs, bears, wild pigs, etc., parasites have a negative impact on the muscles. These worms live in the human body for more than 20 years. Trichinella often to complications.

The Patient complains of the following symptoms:

  • gratuitous increase of the temperature;
  • Pain in the limbs;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Puffiness;
  • an allergic reaction.

In patients trichinellosis complications of inflammation of the lungs, the liver, and the kidneys, which can be observed. A full recovery is very difficult to achieve. To do this, you need to pull a longer course of treatment. You will also need to comply with preventive measures. During therapy, the Patient should be in the infectious office of hospital.

As a prophylaxis of trichinellosis Experts recommend not to eat until the end of cooked meat. It is advisable to buy only the products that confirmed by a health check and have the Stigma.

Bullish tsepen

Everyone heard about the existence of such a parasite, such as bullish tsepen. In contrast to all the previously listed, this helminth belongs to the group of tape worms. Bullish tsepen can enter the body after the consumption of beef that is cooked is bad. A few months later, the larva turns into a full-fledged adult individual. Bullish tsepen is considered to be the largest parasite that lives in the human body. Its length is 8-10 meters. The Patient recognizes in kalowych the masses only small sections from the end of the parasite.

The Patient complains of:

  • nausea;
  • the unconscious state;
  • Stomach cramps;
  • Apathy;
  • Constipation.

The treatment is to appoint the specialist. In the case of the correctly chosen therapy, the Patient recovers quickly and has no complications. Self-treatment is strictly prohibited.

Bullish tsepen

To recognize it as a cyst

This Band is a parasite, the negative effects on many vital organs. Pay attention to the fact that the human is an intermediate carrier of parasites. Finally the hosts, usually dogs or other animals.

Echinococcus has a small size. Therefore, the eggs of these parasites are difficult to identify in kalowych the masses themselves. Their diameter ranges up to 2 cm. he was most often in the liver, and gradually begins to grow. People who succeed in your body Fox tape worm, however, claims:

  • Pain in the right upper abdomen;
  • allergic reaction;
  • dry cough;
  • Shortness of breath.

The disease can only be detected on the ultrasound. Even Fox tape worm not prevail, however, see in kalowych the masses. For the prevention follow for the personal Hygiene and the health of the animals is recommended.

How to see the parasites that everyone should know. Often the attention is not sick on the presence of faecal masses of worms, because you know how they look. Some types of parasites are not alone see, but it is not there so often. In kalowych the masses easily, pinworms, ascarids and Trichocephalus trichiurus. The detection in feces worms in urgent need of a doctor.