The specifics of the treatment of worms in adults

The treatment of infestation of worms in adults is a complex measure, which allows it to quickly and effectively parasites from the body. Worms are a big threat to people, there are ubiquitous. In the case of adult parasites appear to be in force, the non-compliance with the rules of Hygiene or the consumption of unwashed vegetables, poorly roasted meat and contaminated water. Protect yourself from pests is almost impossible, but you can heal them easily. Help bring the parasites from the human body at home, natural remedies and medicines.

Worm infestations

In order for the treatment to be effective, they must drugs to select, on the basis of the type of infestation of worms that plagues the body. You treat the parasites if the proper medium can at home. In adults, the most common are pinworms, roundworms, Giardia, whipworms, trichinae and tapeworms are. Fight with the parasites, the whole family needs to after the treatment, not by viruses, such as worms again. If you have decided to be self-treated, it is necessary to take into account that some antihistamines have to pick up a specific activity and toxic effect of drugs against the worms has to the doctor. Nothing wrong with the worms. They occur in 60% of the population.

The human body can be carriers of parasites, not knowing the themselves, therefore, useful in the control of parasites, the prevention of Helminthiasis is. Despite the fact that the worms – widespread disease, you must treat each and every case, since the parasites have a negative effect on human health. They destroy tissue and toxic substances emit in the course of their activities. The presence of worms can be a cause of the development of chronic diseases. According to the statistics, about 10 million people per year die of Helminthiasis. Therefore, it is important not to ignore the first symptoms of the occurrence of parasites and to start immediately the treatment, and then you will be able to quickly get rid of parasites and restore good health.

The causes of worms

Some types of parasites can live transmitted to humans from domestic animals, but most of the worms in the body of the people. Parasites can be in the Form of eggs in the soil and in the waters, but if no one can get into the body, the eggs will turn into larvae, which migrate all over the body Primary infection with eggs of helminths of man can, and not by viruses, such as worms. In this case, the incubation time of 3-4 weeks, and the parasites go from the body itself. But the recurrence of eggs in the human body, the immune system is not able to resist, and worms from gaining a foothold.

Just the human to human transmission is the main infection worm route provokes. This explains the susceptibility of children to this disease. Children do not follow the rules of personal Hygiene, and if a child has parasites appeared, then a rapid spread of the pathology in small groups. Isolate yourself from worms is very difficult, but possible. Primary prevention of worms personal Hygiene is. Clean hands, especially the nails, you are sure of the origin of the parasites.


But the source of infection with worms, Invasion more. The most common transmission routes:

  • Geohelminths. This way, the penetration of worms in the human body through contact with the external environment, in particular with the soil and open water surfaces. The eggs of the parasite together with the human faeces in the soil to penetrate and from there into the water. They penetrate into the body through unwashed hands, on the fur and paws of the animals to go on the road, and together with the vegetables, which grow in the earth.
  • Pin Way. Transmission occurs through contact from one Person to another. Even the usual pressure of the hand or the division of the household appliances can be a cause of contagion.
  • Biogelmintoz. This route of infection is typical for the lovers of meat and fish. Here is a clear connection with Geohelminths is. Animals, especially cows, will eat the larvae along with the grass, and they survive, will remain in the meat. The same is true for fish. Prior to the consumption of meat and fish, you will need to destroy carefully fry thoroughly worm and not a virus.
  • Insects. Catch worms also insects, namely mosquitoes and flies. You can contact with soil, contaminated worms, and distribute their eggs on their paws.

Symptoms of worms in humans

Symptoms of infection are dependent on the localization of the parasites in the body. The largest colony of worms in the intestines, the can body in the future as a whole. May be asymptomatic of Helminthiasis that occurs in people with a strong immune system. To weaken with the advent of worms, the protective functions of the body, and the person is prone to colds and diseases. In the initial stage worms infestation symptoms can be pathological conditions or even not shown. Such properties of the parasites is essential for the identification more difficult. When you listen to it in a timely manner to your body and pay attention to the symptoms is not typical for a healthy Person, the violation, the screws with the infinite, in its primary formation.

The main symptoms of Helminthiasis in adults are:

  • Violation of the chair;
  • change in the consistency and color of feces;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • chronic constipation;
  • The smell of the mouth;
  • heaviness after eating;
  • Insomnia;
  • the emergence of allergic rashes on the skin;
  • unexplained weight loss;
  • increased appetite;
  • the development of anemia;
  • Headaches;
  • Dizziness;
  • Irritability;
  • weak immune system;
  • Pain in the area of the intestine, unclear etiology;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • Susceptibility to inflammation.

A pathological condition of the patient, by one or a number of symptoms. There may be a change in the condition, when the symptoms disappear by themselves. Also, the symptoms depend on the type of infestation of worms. For some of the worms, the characteristic lesions of the upper respiratory tract, so can accompanying symptoms: cough, shortness of breath and fever. Some of the parasites in the breeding season their eggs in the rectum, so can the symptoms occur: itching in the anal area and burning during bowel movements. There are types of worms that penetrate into the muscles and tissue, resulting in pain and bleeding. The risk of parasites is that they can live in every Organ of the human body: the liver, lungs, kidney and even the brain. If you have the first signs of Helminthiasis, must take immediate action and get rid of parasites in the body.

How to get rid of parasites at home?

The treatment of Helminthiasis will be more effective if the price of the cleaning, all members of the family immediately. Even if your family of parasites not determined, that means that you are missing. In the latent Form of worm disease does not appear, and, of course, as long as the worms a foothold, not to reveal it. Also laboratory tests that can indicate the presence of tape worms, if the body is not at least one adult individual, the venom secretes substances, and calls on the resistance of the immunity. For all types of parasites there are various treatment schemes. It is to be taken into account, if this Helminthiasis, because if you are treated for hook worms, and tape worms in the body are not, then there is no effectiveness of cleaning.

Another aspect regarding the treatment of tape worms, is a selection of drugs. Receiving anthelmintic drugs used helps to faster get rid of the parasites, and the treatment may have on the home All of the drugs against the worms have a toxic effect, therefore it is better to have the right medication prescribed by a physician after the determination of the species of parasites.

The treatment of worms folk remedies

For those who are vehemently against the treatment of tapeworms tablets Alternative medicine a large range of alternative funds. The national medicine is really successful in the treatment of worms, therefore, there is a large number of different Tools that you cook at home.

  1. Wormwood.The effectiveness of wormwood due to its antihistaminic properties. The grass is used for the treatment of worms in the form of powder or decoction. For getting rid of parasites, need, take 1 tablespoon of wormwood per day, or drink 500 ml of broth per day for 2 weeks.
  2. Tansy.The grass has a strong anthelmintic properties and allows you to distribute quickly all of the parasites from the body. Tansy against worms in the Form of tinctures applied. For their preparation need, pour 250 grams of flowers of tansy and 400 ml of vodka or alcohol. Insist week in a dark place. They take 25 to 30 drops after eating. The course of treatment is longer than 10 days.
  3. Tansy
  4. Ginger.An excellent remedy against helminths ginger. He is good in the parasites that live in the gut. You can go for the treatment of Infusion of ginger, or a mixture with ginger and honey. To prepare for the care of 1 ginger root on a grater and pour 1 Liter of cold water. 2-3 hours are there in the fridge. Drink 1 Cup before eating. For the preparation of the mixture for the care of 1 of ginger root, add 10 ml of water and 2 spoons of honey. In a sealed container in the fridge. Take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.
  5. The Carnation.Broth cloves is very different antihistaminic effect. Sometimes the broth, cilantro strengthen the effect. Cloves need to grind, Grind in a coffee grinder, and cover with water. To 50 grams in 200 ml of water to the cloves. Bring the broth to a boil and take 1 Cup before meals.
  6. Garlic.All the recipes with garlic antihistaminic effect. They can be used by parasites to get rid of: garlic oil, garlic broth, garlic-infused, lemon garlic, garlic with milk.

All of these recipes are fast worms get rid of. You can also use garlic to local measures as rectal candles.