Symptoms and signs of tape worms in adults

To date, the prevalence of diseases has preserved by diseases, pests, high. In the case of children in preschool and elementary school age the most common pinworms infect. If a family is infected, a child, in most cases, and adults. Another is very common in the Helminthiasis, the lost in countries with a temperate climate, and not always with pronounced symptoms, Ascariasis. For adult men, Hobbies, their connection with the hunting and fishing, are also characteristic of diphyllobothriasis, and trichinosis.

of worms in the human body

Unlike children, in adults, stronger immune system and the body is formed, what is required for the emergence of symptoms of infection with worms, is a large parasitic load. Most of the worms will not be able to finish the whole cycle of development in the body, and their number only grows with repeated ingestion of the eggs. So people, where inside there is worms, often in such quantities that the symptoms of worms in humans occur never or for many years. The most common types of worms live a few weeks up to two years. Others, for example, pigs, cattle, and other taenia, can parasitize a Person within ten years It is also dangerous worms that are durable, but are able to infinitely multiply in the body of the host (dwarfish tsepen, hook worm, etc.).

Helminthiasis caused by pathogens by different types of disease that occur under the guise of disorders of the gastro-intestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and diseases of the respiratory system.

Common symptoms and signs of tape worms in humans

In most cases, the symptoms of worms in humans will not manifest for a long time, although the damage you cause in the process. But it all depends on infectious strains and types of parasites.

The most likely symptoms of the presence of tapeworms in humans, is to be a General malaise, fatigue, weakness, itching in the Anus.

To screw the main characteristics of the endless, which can be particularly vomiting often reinforced when people (especially children), sudden weight loss, anemia, weakness, pallor of the skin, digestive disorders (such as constipation and diarrhea), the availability in Kahla signs, for example, the segments of the tapeworms or full-blown round.

In addition to the General symptoms and signs of tapeworms in humans, their presence a number of specific manifestations, which are individually selected for each System of the body.

The Gastro-Intestinal Tract

If the main place of localization of parasitic infestation of the intestinal lumen is, what are the main features of this condition, the violation of the functions of the digestive system. The main signs of tapeworms in adults with lesions of the digestive system can be divided into:

  • Alternation of constipation and diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • Pain in the abdomen, with no clear localization;
  • excessive bloating.

The severity of these symptoms is individual for each Person, as well as the specific clinical case.

The excessive number of adult worms in the Lumen of the intestine can cause can be completely or partly overlap, and thus a persistent disorder of the chair.

Symptoms of worms CNS

The Central nervous system

The result of the life activities of most of the helminths, a toxic substance, which lead to the phenomenon of General intoxication. The constant exposure to toxic substances in the body leads to the formation of persistent disorders of the Central nervous system. Basic neural signs of worms in adults are as follows:

  • Headache of varying intensity
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling of nausea, sometimes vomiting
  • increased body temperature to fever
  • Pain in the large and small joints.

The avitaminosis, which leads to a constant companion of Helminthiasis, in connection with the toxic effect on the nervous system to the formation of the syndrome of chronic fatigue, loss of concentration, and increased sleepiness or insomnia.


Today totally proved that worms and allergies combined in adults prichinno-investigative communication. In humans, which provokes, under worm, a deterioration in the condition of the skin. The waste products of most of the helminths of man as a body perceived as Alien agents, which entails the formation of an allergic reaction.

As a result of the excessive production of the organism, Neurotransmitter, Allergy — histamine, which will appear on the surface of the skin-specific skin rashes, edema. Except this Person's constant feeling of itching, you may cough, stuffy nose begins to interfere.

The Immune System

In addition to the reduction of all the functions of the body, an abrupt suppression of the immune system of the people. The reduction in the body's own defenses can lead to exacerbation of existing chronic diseases either result in the formation of inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity, the oral cavity, the organs of the female reproductive organs.

It is noteworthy that one of the possible causes for snoring may be the presence of parasitic invasions in the body.

The symptoms of the most common Helminthiasis

The peculiarities of clinical manifestations and the degree of their intensity directly depends on the type of pathogen. The example of Ascariasis observed the first signs of worms can be in adults already after 2 days after infection, during the Migration of the larvae into the blood stream. Some of the parasites have an incubation period of up to 18 months.



The main symptoms of Ascariasis in adults is directly dependent on the Phase of the life cycle of the helminths. The Migration of the larvae from pathogens Ascariasis occurs under the middle of the release into the bloodstream and further exploded with the blood flow through the body. If the larvae in the tissues of the lungs, the main symptoms of the disease, the emergence of subfebrile temperature, dry cough, weakness, malaise. In severe cases, the development of purulent Bronchitis, and pneumonia. If the power of the blood of the larvae of the roundworms enter the gastro-intestinal tract, is a violation of its functions. In humans, the parasites, the severe loss of body weight.


The most characteristic and distinctive Symptom of this disease is the emergence of a strong itching in the Anus, which is significantly amplified in the night. is A further important diagnostic characteristic is the duration of the infection and the frequency of occurrence of itching is. In this case, the itching is not take more than 2 days in a row, and then disappears and reappears after 2-3 weeks.

Intestinal Schistosomiasis, hookworm morbo, richocephalosis, diphyllobothriasis

Data Federation-varieties of Helminthiasis due to the fact that each of them has a similar clinical picture. The result of the moderate flow (with a relatively low number of parasites) similar diseases, the disturbance of the equilibrium of the normal and pathogenic microflora in the intestines, so that the main symptoms are expressed in adults as dysbiosis, abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea (including is. with blood). In the case of a severe symptoms much more serious.

Attributed to other manifestations of this group of Helminthiasis vitamin deficiency lack of Vitamin A. In the 12-scarce and železodeficitnuû anemia,

Schistosomiasis (Genitourinary Tract)

The development of this type of schistosomiasis is in manifested in the Form of disorders in the water, as well as the characteristic impurities of the blood in the urine.


The specified type of Helminthiasis most commonly in the Form of the following symptoms:

  • the increase in the temperature of the body up to a feverish condition;
  • edema of the face, especially the eyelids;
  • spontaneous pain in the muscles.
Thread worm

Thread worm

The pathogen is the intestine usually a pretium. This type of parasitic infestation by a primary lesion of the organs of the gastro-intestinal tract. The main symptoms of this disease are:

  • Lesions of the gallbladder and biliary tract;
  • Dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, diarrhea, flatulence);
  • allergic reactions of varying severity.

In clonorchiasis, fascioliasis, opisthorchiasis

The group of Helminthiasis primarily affects the parenchyma of the liver, the gallbladder and bile bile ducts. The most likely symptoms opistorhoze in adults are as follows:

  • the increase in the size of the liver and spleen (hepatosplenomegaly);
  • the increase in the concentration of Bilirubin in blood (jaundice syndrome);
  • the development of chronic pancreatitis and in holecistoholangit;
  • Interference on the part of the Central nervous system.

The article describes the symptoms and signs of a part of the most common types of worms that is the human being. Some of the same, particularly the prophylaxis of zoonotic Helminthiasis, can share different clinical picture, including the expansion of the body, the balls under the skin or in the eyes, partial and complete vision loss, without a refund. Confirm or refute the infection can only under the means of passing of special laboratory tests to prescribe the treating doctor individually.