How to get rid of tape worms at home?

No one is immune to helminths, i.e. ways of dealing with parasitic infections, each person need to know. The national medicine uses in the home of worms, the safest method is to get rid of them. He plants the use of medicinal, possess the qualities of the destruction of worms.


The specifics of the treatment of the grsern

The folk medicine, which allows it to be used with the parasites, has to tablets have clear advantages in comparison. The natural components are proven, soft on people, help to drive away the vast number of well-known helminths.

To choose methods of cleaning thoughtful, tried about you as much as possible — some of the effect in relation to a certain group of worms, and protozoa have addressed, and take your other diagnosis is meaningless. If you have any doubts, it should be the task of the implementation of self-healing and consult a doctor.

The basis of the recipes of various herbal ingredients which are capable to kill, and then remove them from the body of the people, the body of the dead worms.

Such means shall apply, in practice, is quite easy, since many of them are available and always ready to hand.

Tasks the people's medicine

A lot of people to get rid of the idea to take the worms home, condescending, and even negative. This may be a desire of the people to explain to move with the times, use of pharmacy and innovation that is not recourse to the methods of "the last century". The trust of a large number of unscrupulous "healers", the for-Profit offer of any disease to cure with the help of plantain and other herbs, money for the distribution of their products on the Internet.

But in reality, medicinal plants apply if you are in the hands of a knowledgeable Person. Its 100% natural composition and the right choice of ingredients allowed, as safely as possible act on the body, without the system of vessels of damage to the liver, the digestive tract, blood.

Thoughtless use of traditional recipes at home can lead to difficulties. Each plant has its own list of contraindications, in spite of the fact that they seem harmless. Also, chamomile can damage if they are wrong. Therefore, the apparent simplicity of the alternative medicine looks only.

Herbs, purposeful destroying of worms, have a toxic effect, without exception, to be treated differently was would not make sense. Most of them are poisonous, some irritate the organs of the intestinal tract, to provoke other intoxication. For this reason, the treatment of herbal remedies is prohibited groups of people:

  • People with chronic pathologies of the digestive system in the Phase of deterioration;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • Children up to 2 years.
Herbs of helminths

Before you must have one of the following recipes, you have to make sure that there are no problems with blood pressure, the liver, and the kidneys. Otherwise, avoid the development of side effects is practically impossible.

Characteristics of traditional medicine

It is believed that with the help of plants you can destroy and bring any parasites. It is only important to properly organize the process of de-worming, break in succession, all of his stage. Consider the following table.

Phase of treatmentMechanism of action
Preparatory7 days before the start of therapy, every day is pumpkin seed oil start drinking half an hour before food intake with the aim of evacuation of toxic substances from the body.
Deducing from an organism of the parasitesBased on the compliance with the recommended dosage and the diversity of the use of herbal medicines.
RecoveryThe work of the organism is normalized as a whole. Compliance with the diet, rejection of Junk Food, medical decoctions of herbs for the normalization of the functions of the internal systems damaged as a result of Helminthiasis.

List of the most important points of the therapy, we go to the recipes.

Treatment Adults

For the control of helminths in folk medicine, the home, there are a large number of recipes that plants to healing. Offer you to observe the simple and effective of them.

Easy Recipes

Tansy. This plant has anthelmintic action can be used only for adults. In the Parasitology its inflorescences apply.

For the control of nematodes — pinworm and ascaride, you have to grind the tansy to a powder and mix it with honey in equal proportions. You have to take into account funds received for half an hour before eating in the morning and evening for 3 days. To combine the ingestion of the last portion with an enema or laxative drug.

It is important to note the dosage of the tansy, the plant can be toxic and in excess of the recommended scale to trigger such side effects as cramping, pain in the stomach and vomiting.

Artemisia absinthium. Effective in respect of all rounds of parasites. On the basis of plant is a effective tincture prepare, with a strong influence of helminths.

In equal proportions of pumpkin seeds you take and the crushed leaves of wormwood, pour the vodka in a ratio of 1:3. the future of medicine, insist 7 days in the shade. Take tincture in the morning and in the evening a small glass before the meals. Course — 2 Weeks.

Not wormwood are ulcers treated and lactating women, people with stomach and duodenal ulcers.


Immortelle. Helps of conveyor belts parasites. Similar to St. John's wort, yarrow and chamomile, which can be used to act in a single collection, or individually. The first Option is optimal.

For the production of therapeutic Infusion of 2 tablespoons of the herb Helichrysum (the above, or the gathering of plants, in the same proportions mixed), pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist within 12 hours in a thermos. Then, the Medium decanted, and take half a Cup 4 times daily before meals. Course Of 10 Days.

Helichrysum prohibited de-worming for pregnant women, high blood pressure and cholecystitis.

The Pumpkin Seeds. A very popular tool in the fight against parasites. Helps cleanse the body of round worms, tape worms, and some other helminths. There are two ways of treatment pumpkin seeds:

  1. Every morning on an empty stomach to eat 2 tablespoons of peeled and crushed product. To eat within an hour, and nothing, and then discharge to take at the end of preparation.
  2. On an empty stomach, 300 grams of food of dried seeds. After 30 minutes, drink a glass of warm milk, in the pre-know was welded garlic, and yet at the same time consume a laxative.

The treatment pumpkin, only persons with a high acid content of the organs in the digestive system.

Walnut. Use in the fight against nematodes and cestode (pinworms, roundworms, mine worms, cattle and pigs, taenia). The recipe in the fight with them is easy: 4 tbsp. chopped immature nuts (the green!) Pour a glass of boiling water and insist half an hour. The finished Medium is filtered and divided into three portions, which you drink during the day. The last dose of the tincture Supplement the intake of laxatives.

The use of walnuts with the goal of treatment is forbidden, pregnant women and nursing mothers, people with increased blood clotting.

Garlic. Powerful anthelmintic, do not lose their popularity. Active against parasites, including protozoa — toxoplasmosis, amoebas, and Giardia.

For the preparation of a universal means on the Basis of garlic 50 G of crushed cloves of peeled garlic and pour 200 ml of vodka. They insist, the future of remedies in a dark container within 7 days. Take 20 drops 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Course Of 2 Weeks.

The use of garlic in folk medicine is ulcers contraindicated for individuals with kidney disease, Gastritis, and stomach, as well as epilepsy.

Luk. In a short period of time poisoned rounds parasites. For the cleaning of pinworms and roundworms in a single administration of the agent is sufficient.

A large chop the onion, grated on a fine grater and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 12 hours. To drink to Wake up in the morning on an empty stomach.

The use of onions for deworming contraindicated in persons with a tendency to increased blood pressure.

Linseed-oil. Effective against pinworms, American hookworm and by Trichinella. Is not effective against roundworms. The drug you take 1 teaspoon 5 times a day before meals. Course Of 2 Weeks.

The Tool is not recommended in the case of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and pregnancy.

Pumpkin seed oil. The removal of conveyor belts and round parasites. Take 1 teaspoon in the morning, afternoon and evening after meals. Course Of 10 Days.

Treated pumpkin seed oil unwanted persons suffering from Diabetes, and cholecystitis.


Cognac. In the fight against the worms, helps the consumption of 4 tablespoons of strong drink, you can dilute regular unsweetened tea in equal parts. After half an hour take 2 tablespoons of castor oil. The course of treatment, the procedure will go on for 5 days, just before bedtime.

De-worming with the Cognac is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, people with epilepsy and high blood pressure, stomach ulcer.

Soda. Everyone knows that baking soda, diluted in water, turns into a liquor. Because of this property, you can cleanse the body of excess acids and normalize the natural reaction of blood (pH 7,42). Soda orally and in the Form of enemas.

The development of worms is best done in an acidic environment. This method is effective against pinworms, roundworms, tape worms, intestinal-dwuustok and lentetsov. A solution of baking powder is to the inside, before meals, before ¼ teaspoon diluted in hot water. If the body can tolerate the product, you can increase the number in half. The course of treatment varies from 15 to 30 days depending on the health condition of the patient.

In addition, enemas provide, based on 2 liters of hot water, take 30 G of sodium chloride and 20 G of Soda. Therapeutic solution recommended injection dose and always in the gut, holding not less than 30 minutes. Procedure in the morning or evening hours.

More Complex Methods

We have listed easy recipes with anthelmintic action, consisting of one or two components. We now consider more complicated ways of combating parasites, for adults.

Tinctures. There are a large number of alcohol-means, on the basis of medicinal herbs. Many of them have a universal effect.

  • A tablespoon of yarrow, tansy and wormwood in equal proportions mixed, pour a glass of vodka and insist, not less than 14 days. The finished medium-take 20 drops 3 times a day. Course Of 2 Weeks.
  • 20 grams of chopped garlic and the same amount of horseradish, pour 500 ml of vodka and insist 10 days. Tablespoon 2 times a day. Course Of 2 Weeks.
Pumpkin seeds

Vegetable Fees. The combination of several medicinal plants, the helminth effect, improves the efficiency of each other and promotes the purification of the organism from the most species of parasites.

National tripartite group. as a universal anthelmintic in alternative medicine You prepare, you will need 10 G of wormwood, 15 G of cloves, 30 G of tansy. Components in dry Form, mix carefully, and consume according to the scheme selected in the table. One-time amount of the drug — 1 teaspoon.

Days of treatmentRecommended Dosage
11 TSP on an empty stomach before Breakfast.
21 teaspoon in the morning and day-meal.
3-71 h. L. 3 times per day.
8-21According to the previous scheme once per week.

If desired, you can extend the treatment to a few months. Prior to the application of three Ivanchenko, it is important to ensure that there are no contraindications to any of the herbal components in the preparation.

Tansy, chamomile and wormwood. To collect another not less effective which is able to repel nematodes and protozoa. Take in equal proportions of 30 G of flowers of tansy and chamomile, and the same leaf of the Artemisia. Pour the resulting mixture Cup boiling water and infuse for an hour. Means drink fully in the morning on an empty stomach. In the evening, prepare the Infusion and directly before bedtime. Course Of 6 Days.

Enema. Help fight with the parasite lives in the intestine. Offer you to observe the most effective recipes for cleansing the body.

  • 20 G of wormwood, and the same amount of tansy, mix, brew Cup of boiling water. In nearly cooled Infusion of the crushed clove of garlic to add. After 3 hours, the solution was ready for the implementation of the enemas. You can make any time of the day for a week. The solution can expel pinworms and ascarids to.
  • 50 ml pumpkin seed oil is heated up and win in the "bulb". The procedure is important before going to bed. In the course of two weeks.

The inlet of worms that occur in the home according to the rules of de-worming. Only in this case, the cleaning of the body is maximum successful.

Prior to the introduction of the therapeutic solution with anthelmintic action, it is necessary to remove carefully from the large intestine of accumulated deposits of slag. For to defend this in 2 liters of water at room temperature (preferably pre-soaked or 24 hours) add 1 teaspoon of salt and the same amount of Apple cider vinegar. The procedure is in the knee-elbow posture, with the deduction of the solution for 10-15 minutes, the amount needs to be divided into four parts and in the bowel patient portions are to be introduced. Then the implementation of the healing to begin treatments.


Treatment of children

For the control of helminths in children-if possible before the end of recipes. Their correct application allows the child's body, without the help of drugs.

So, we consider the effective and simple methods of de-worming in children, an authenticated user:

  • roundworms derive ground pumpkin seeds in an amount of 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach after waking up;
  • taenia rectified clove of garlic before Breakfast is eaten in 2 weeks;
  • expelling of tapeworms and some other parasites in children helps infusion of pomegranate crust: in the bowl of a fruit brewed half a Cup of boiling water and add ½ teaspoon 3 times per day. Exceed the dosage is prohibited because of artificially increased concentration of the component is the cause of vision problems in children can;