How to collect feces for examination for parasites?

The analysis Kala on eggs a worm most commonly prescribed to the identification of the carrier of worms, with the aim of preventing the spread of parasitic infestation in groups of people.

Required the surrender of this analysis for workers in the catering and other professions that the Care-Adapter, it is also necessary for enrolling children in pre-school and General education school, finding a job, hospitalization, the passage of the Spa, a visit to the swimming pool.


In addition, research Kala on the egg-worm, may be assigned, in the number of diagnostic procedures in cases of suspected intestinal Helminthiasis. The reliability of the results of laboratory tests will depend largely on how correctly the biological Material was harvested. This article sheds light on all questions in connection with the object of the analysis Kala on eggs a worm for children and adults.

Why do I need the analysis?

The task of the analysis Kala on eggs of the worm formally not suitable. The man he is assigned to, you must understand that the identification of worms infestation, it is important first and foremost for himself. This is because the parasites cause severe injuries, some of their species are able to penetrate into the liver, the brain, the heart and other organs.

Laboratory examinations of the feces does not always show the Invasion, because in a small sample of the biological material, the analysis of the collected worm eggs may not be. Parasites don't lay eggs constantly so that they are distributed in kalowych the masses unevenly.

In addition, the results can have an impact, the non-observance of the rules for the preparation of the analysis, the incorrect collection and storage of the material.

Therefore, must strictly adhere to all the rules of preparation for the task of analysis, collection, and storage of the sample, and recognize the need to re-Deposit, if the analysis shows no parasites

What are the symptoms of evidence of a infestation with worms can?

A Symptom that is unique to the presence of worms, the itching and commotion in the rear of the passage, especially palpable in the evening and in the night. This is typical for enterobiosis – Invasion pinworms. Infestation of other species of worms is not so obvious and characteristic clinical picture, the symptoms can be unspoken or own many other diseases.

Suspect worm, the following symptoms may be the cause of diseases:

    Intestinal Disorders
  • Loss of appetite, up to total absence;
  • Bloating and intestinal disorders;
  • The presence of blood and mucus in kalowych the masses;
  • Loss of body weight;
  • Frequent Headaches, Sleep Disorders;
  • The constant feeling of exhaustion;
  • Pallor of the skin;
  • Weakening of the immunity, due to the frequent susceptibility to colds;
  • Grinding of teeth in sleep;
  • Skin problems.

If you are at least examined a few of these symptoms, including the identification of parasitic infestation.

How to prepare for the analysis?

To increase the reliability of the results of the analysis Kala on the egg-worm, it is essential, prior to the delivery of certain rules.

Makes no sense to feces research on helminth eggs in the following cases:

  1. When taking Anti-parasitic drugs and immediately after their course;
  2. After the exam, to the radiology with the application of Barium;
  3. After the oil drains.

In all of these cases, the probability of detection of eggs of helminths gets closer to zero, and the results of the analysis may not be indicative.

The effectiveness of studies, the intake of certain strong medications can reduce. If you are not indispensable, their reception to stop, you have 3 days until the analysis Kala.

If the Patient is in the treatment not be interrupted can, for example, a course of antibiotics, the change analysis Kala on eggs a worm is better to postpone until its conclusion, because in the changed environment in the intestine, the multiplication of worms slows down, and their eggs are not detected.

Influence on the results of the investigations and the composition of the food that the man ate on the eve of the collection of biological Material. When eating foods that promote increased formation of gas and loose bowel, food supply, intestinal tract, and the likelihood of the contents of the eggs in the feces of the parasites accelerate is reduced. So 1-2 days prior to the survey for the analysis Kala on eggs of worms, the discharge of the intestine, it is recommended that the diet products.

For each set of these products is different, but in General, these include:

  • Fresh and Sauerkraut;
  • Fresh Beet;
  • Apricots, Plums;
  • Prunes;
  • Grapes;
  • Persimmon;
  • Kefir;
  • Cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin;
  • Legumes;
  • Watermelon, Melon.

Also not recommended the use of products, from colored feces in untypical colors – already mentioned beetroot, bilberries, cherries, black currants.

Compliance with these simple rules, you can begin significantly the probability of detection of worms infestation increase in time and your treatment.

What are the rules for the collection of feces on the analysis?

If all rules are adhered to preparation for the examination of faeces for the presence of eggs of the parasites, the above mentioned, you can analyze the fence to produce a sample of the material to have been. In General, this point raises many questions: how much do you need for the analysis Kala on the egg-worm, what are the rules for collecting are to save the recorded Material, etc. we will Consider in detail the answers to these questions.

The laboratory does not take on the analysis of feces in Matchbox boxes, and other, for the collection of the material, take a small glass container with a tight lid or in the pharmacy to buy special plastic containers for the collection of feces. This container is convenient in that it with a spatula to collect the sample, and a tight fitting lid, not a breathable smell.

Sterilize glass bottles, and even more pharmacies, there is no need. Box and lid are very clean, baking powder, and rinse thoroughly with clean cold water, and the container for collecting feces in the Laundry does not need.

If the collection takes place in the home of TARA, then you do it best a plastic spoon. You can also use cotton swabs, a couple of matches. For this purpose, use of the road, the branches by means of Splitter and pastures is impossible, because on them the eggs of the parasites can also results, which leads to a distortion of the analysis.

Whether you wash?

When collecting urine for the analysis is the need to wash, to prevent biological Material lives in excreta and microflora, on the genitals, in the case of the survey for the analysis Kala on eggs a worm, it is not recommended to wash.

Some types of worms (pinworms) lay their eggs around the Anus, in the Anus of the worm eggs from the previous bowel movement can remain.

During the Passage of feces, you can material in the first part of the biological, which increases the probability of detection of worms infestation.


How to collect properly the feces for analysis?

Bowel movement must be in a clean, dry pot or vessel Not allowed to "catch" the Material out of the water in the toilet. You also need to make sure that the feces hit the urine, the bladder must be emptied to another location.

Removal of material is carried out from multiple locations and faeces: the first line from the middle and the end, of the surface and the depth. A stool sample for analysis should be approximately equal to the size of a walnut.
Immediately after collection, the containers must be closed tightly so that the Material dried up.

How to cause a bowel movement?

The physiological processes are not always accessible for the control of consciousness, forcing the intestines, the waste products give up at the first request is almost impossible. The easiest way to collect the feces for examination for worm eggs to those people who got used to empty the bowel in the morning after getting up, because the laboratory usually take biological materials to the analysis in the morning.

To empty for the Stimulation of the intestinal enema, Anal candles are not recommended, as this reduces the likelihood of a reliable analytical results on the egg-worm, which is already too high.

You will receive the morning's bowel movement in a natural way possible, respecting the following guidelines:

  1. After waking up, drink a glass with cold water;
  2. After 15-20 minutes early pieces;
  3. If within 20 minutes after the Breakfast, she didn't want to in the toilet, make a simple abdominal self-massage and exercises to strengthen the intestinal peristalsis.

Self-massage of the abdomen is performed lying on the back. Relax the belly, produce cuddles in a spiral around the navel, run in a clockwise direction. This works, fingers clenched to a fist.

After the Massage, you make the following exercises for stimulating the bowel to empty:

  • Standing on all fours, tighten and relax the abdomen;
  • Lie on your back, draw the knees up to the chin and then return to the starting position.

If all the above measures fail to be effective, this means to collect the Material for analysis in advance.

But before you find out to the next point of this article, and how much can feces on eggs a worm, be stored note the above recommended method for the improvement of intestinal peristalsis. By day, you will quickly to get her body used to the regular morning bowel movement, what is without a doubt very useful for your health

How much you want to save the recorded Material?

Store sample material for the analysis of worm eggs in a tightly closed container, knotted in a plastic bag in the refrigerator at a temperature of 6-10°C. At this storage, the faeces do not dry out, worm eggs, if they are present in the sample, not vido-change, and are used for identification. The storage time should not longer than 8-12.


How is the study of the material in the lab?

To determine whether eggs of worms in the feces, as well as the viewing of the following methods of laboratory tests:

  1. Hold up. In this method, the Material is mixed with water, to defend and liquid phase is drained. So a couple of times. Eggs and fragments of worms have a higher specific weight, so that you always remain in the Sediment. After repeated washing of the material Pellet is visible under the microscope for the presence of parasites.
  2. In elutriation. These procedures apply to the identification of the fragments of worms. From the provided analysis, the sample semi-liquid mass, set, place in the Petri dish and the tweezers to remove the light particles, look at them under the magnifying glass or the microscope. In this way, fragments of helminths to identify them and determine their appearance.
  3. Native Smear. In this method, under the microscope a drop of the emulsions by dilution of Cala, the water is tested will. This allows the detection of worm eggs and protozoal parasites. But in the case of their small number in the separated Material, you can simply avoid, in the examined drop, resulting in a negative result of the analysis can be wrong.
  4. A thick smear. This method is more informative, as you explore, a larger amount of material, compared to other methods. Samples of the size of a pea to a slide plate with a liquid and is nestled in a transparent Polymer. After one hour sample of the necessary degree of transparency, and under the microscope acquires investigated. This method is considered to be the most advanced, its validity is about 85%.

The analysis Kala on egg-endless a this method does not screw a lot of the time, the result may be willing, in the course of the day of delivery. Delay, in General, are associated with the overloading of the laboratories.

What is the decryption of the analysis result can?

The study of feces on helminth eggs tract can only show the presence or absence of parasites breeding in the gastro-intestine: roundworms and tapeworms, flukes. For the determination of the other Helminthiasis, such as echinococcosis, is a blood enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (Elisa).

If the eggs and the fragments of the worms in the deposited material is not detected, the result of the analysis in the case of the decryption is negative. However, a negative result does not guarantee that no parasitic infestation.

If, after the date of the analysis Kala on the egg-worm, the copy of a positive result in terms of some kind of worms (or more), contains then your existence is beyond doubt, and the patient's assigned treatment.

In addition to the infestation of worms with the feces analysis, a infection can be diagnosed protozoa: Giardia, dysenteric amoebas, cyclosporine.

What to do in case of identification of Helminthiasis?

If the analysis Kala on the egg-worm showed the presence in the body of a parasite, then you definitely don't treatment to give up. Apart from the fact that worm infections are not an obstacle for the achievement of the objective of can – admission to school, or work, the child in a preschool, the sanitary book, etc., it can lead to severe harm to the health.

Parasites to feed on its lifeblood, take energy. In addition, because it decreases the immunity, which is the development of more serious diseases could.


Inadmissible is also the self-healing is. Anti-parasitic agents characterized by high toxicity. Even if the nature of the parasite is known, a dosage of medication, effective against him, should be installed only by a doctor, taking into account the Constitution and the condition of the patient. The treatment must be under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise serious complications due to toxic effect of ANTIGEL ' mintnyh medium can.

One should also not forget that the worm eggs take advantage of easy everyday objects, in the case of personal contacts. Therefore, in the detection of parasitic infestation in humans, a Dermatoscope examinations and, where appropriate, treatment of the other members of his family, including the Pets.

How often the analysis needs to take?

In General, the analysis Kala on the egg-worm receives a one-time recording in the pre-school and educational institutions, at work, in a hospital, Sanatorium, in the case of the help to visit the pool, but also when passing checkup.