Symptoms of worms in children

Children of different ages suffer from the infection-infestation. The risk is present everywhere. Especially in the Kindergarten, playing in the Sand, with the public transport. Not to be confused signs of infection with worms easily with other common diseases. Therefore, adults should go close to the image approach to the well-being of the children.

Symptoms of worms in children


Most of the children of such worms as ascarids, and pinworms. Symptoms of their appearance is slightly different.

Ascariasis notice:

  • Cough without signs of the common cold;
  • Hives, rashes on the skin infectious and allergic nature;
  • Stomatitis, Gingivitis, Herpes;
  • Blueness under the eyes and pale skin;
  • The Reduction In Weight.

In the case of infection with worms (pinworms) observed:

  • Severe itching in the area of the anal canal (especially in the evening and in the night);
  • Tingling and pain during bowel movements;
  • In kalowych the masses visually visible worms size of 0.5-1 cm.

The main symptoms you should add:

  • Loss of appetite, strong craving for sweets (especially chocolate with nuts);
  • Nausea, Vomiting, Temperature;
  • Diarrhea and constipation;
  • Dizziness;
  • Lethargy, decreased mental activity;
  • Dull color of the hair;
  • Nervousness, irritability, anxiety, Stress, Depression;
  • Wanton fever (up to 39°).

These symptoms of worms in children 2 years old to easily for a other disease. For Example: Respiratory Diseases, Bronchitis, Intestinal Infections, Food Poisoning. Often the cause of allergies irritate to find the products or external factors. But they can be hidden in the presence of tape worms. The incorrect treatment and misdiagnosis, promote their development. Then the health and even the life of a small child is threatened.

Symptoms of the acute Phase

This Phase shows the presence of parasitic infestation.

Can you recognize him on such symptoms:

  • Severe pain in the abdomen, not by a few minutes;
  • Constipation for longer than 3 days;
  • Seizures of vascular dystonia (increased breathing, panic attack syndrome, "run-tingling" in the body, the darkness in the eyes, migraine);
  • Very bad breath, and belching;
  • Tachycardia.

These symptoms point to a large number of worms in the body. This can lead to serious consequences.

Signs of tapeworms

For Example:

  • chronic intestinal obstruction;
  • Inflammation of the lungs;
  • the chronic Form of allergic reactions (including Asthma).

Intoxication leads to a disruption of the functioning of all the systems and functions in the body. If not in time to start treatment, worms can cause the most terrible consequences.

Symptoms of the chronic Phase

Chronic Phase indicates that a child infected with worms continuously. Perhaps even the presence of mixed Helminthiasis.

The characteristic symptoms occur:

  • Permanent impairment of the chair (diarrhea, constipation);
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss, not restored;
  • Hair loss, brittle nails;
  • Common skin rashes, urticaria, and especially;
  • Fatigue, rapid fatigue;
  • Apathy, Withdrawal, Depression;
  • Intestinal obstruction, diseases of the liver;
  • Frequent colds and viral diseases, reduction of immunity;
  • Frequent Whims, Tantrums, Nervousness.

Worms are not as harmless as it might seem initially. If the child is such a parasite that once infected his parents know first-Hand about the consequences. Can by virus, as well as children at the age of 1-2 years. For your health, worms are a serious threat. For example, roundworms in children can lead to suffocation.

In addition, it can be observed that:

  • strong intoxication;
  • Anemia;
  • critical weight reduction.

It is dangerous, because it is not a large number of drugs of worms, you take in such a small age.

The first signs of worms in children

Most parents will immediately notice any changes in the health of their children. To determine the signs of tape worms, without analysis, is not so simple. Especially in the Phase of the infection. After a few months in the acute Form. The treatment is lengthy, and to bring worms out of the body more difficult.

the first symptoms.

The first signs of worms in children:

  • frequent disturbances in the digestion;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Pain in the abdomen – concern should be for the adults.

These symptoms are the reason for testing for the presence of worms.

What Komarovsky says about the worms?

Mostly with worms, children infected at age 1 to 5 years. Because in this time the children are actively learning the world. In addition, in this age, not until the end formed in the gut and its functionality. So the children have infected more danger by helminths.

Opinion komarowski about the worms in children:

  1. Dr. Komorowski claimed that children only fell against contamination in the environment – Sand, unwashed fruit, toys, on the earth or nipple.
  2. If in the sand box, not only children, but also dogs, cats, playing games, then there is a high probability of infestation. Because the animals there, their experiments with the eggs of worms.

What are the signs of tapeworms in a child called Komarovsky?

Komarovsky says that up to 10 years, symptoms of Helminthiasis brighter pronounced than in adults. So is it that the presence of tape worms, accompanied by the characteristic symptoms. Then you will actively develop in the body and cause serious diseases. Therefore, they must be checked regularly and donations General analysis.

Among the signs of worms, Komarovsky the following marks:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • Pain in the abdomen and in the navel;
  • Cough;
  • Pain in muscles and joints;
  • Moodiness, quick fatigue;
  • reduced or increased appetite;
  • Rings under the eyes.

In addition, Komarovsky says that it's worth it with the teeth squeak when you go perceive as a sign of Helminthiasis. This phenomenon is called bruxism. He is not a pretext for the diagnosis of Helminthiasis.

How to identify what is treated and how to prevent it?

The presence of tapeworms can with the help of analyses of feces and blood. This is the best way. But the analysis you donate a few times, and especially in the time of the full moon. Then, the maximum reliability of the results.

profilaktika worms

Treatment of roundworms and other parasites must appoint a physician. You should consult a gastroenterologist or other specialist. In General, treatment is complex and takes place in two stages. The first is calculated on the destruction of adult tapeworms, and the second on their eggs and larvae.

Infection only compliance with the rules of personal Hygiene can prevent:

  • Should play the child in the Sand, where the animals go.
  • Wash vegetables and fruit before eating.
  • Wash hands thoroughly after roads and toilet.
  • Do not eat food that's fallen on the floor.
  • After the walk, you wash things, toys.

How advises Komarovsky determine the presence of worms?

Dr. Komorowski is recommended to pay attention to the specific behavior of children:

  • For example, itching in the anal area.
  • If a child speaks of it, is almost always detectable infection with worms.

If adults are any assumptions that a child of worms can be, then you have to watch.

Important to note:

  • Behavior;
  • the taste changes;
  • to control the weight.

If there are no other reasons for the changes, the data can be used to confirm the assumptions.

One of the most frustrating possibilities in imaging diagnostics is:

  1. You see worms in the feces or vomit.
  2. It is very unpleasant, but in such cases it is necessary to remove the worms in a glass with alcohol or saline solution.
  3. Then in the laboratory.
  4. This will help to determine to sell what are the worms in children, symptoms and treatment faster from the body.

Komarovsky on preventive measures

Komorowski reminded the parents that there is no magic pill that will save a child from infection with worms.

You take medication against worms with the aim of preventing dangerous. You are toxic and just so you don't give your child.

The best prevention is personal Hygiene. In this case, such rules are required, all in house. As well as children up to the age of 10 years, the Tests are worth having on the presence of worms, all 3-6 months.

the treatment of worms

Therapeutic Measures

The treatment can only in the traditional or in combination with natural remedies. In this case, the safety of taking a certain medicine in the child age is taken into account.

Application of medical preparations

Among the traditional funds administered:

  • Protiwogelmintnyje.
  • Entero-sorbent.
  • Enzymes.
  • The bioprparate.
  • Complex Vitamins.

The use of natural remedies

Among the natural remedies to recommend:

  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Hemp oil.
  • The Tansy.
  • Carrot juice.
  • Wormwood.
  • Chamomile.

It is worth noting that even 2-3 signs of worms, should the reason for the implementation of the analyses. Especially the visualization in Calais. Therefore it is necessary to diagnose as soon as possible and begin treatment.