How to take pumpkin seeds worms

Pumpkin seeds of worms — a popular remedy in the folk medicine. In contrast to drugs ANTIGEL ' mintnyh means any hazardous and toxic ingredients include, so you apply not only for adults but also for children.

The influence of pumpkin seeds on worms

Pumpkin seeds gently, and to neutralize especially effective and from the organism to excrete the worms. The value of the treatment of them consists in the fact that worms destroy as a gentle way for the body without the use of heavy chemicals and the risk of side effects. Beneficial effects of pumpkin seeds on the human body contrast combined with a negative influence on helminths.

How pumpkin seeds effect on worms? Active ingredient seed cucurbitina, which is not infested with poison for individuals, in the body of the people getting on, penetrates into the blood and paralyzes the worms, causing them to die, but lose their ability to move, cling to the wall of the intestine, reproduce and lead a normal life. Due to the fact that the paralysed worms are of the occasion, deprived of food and in the body to be held, soon, comes death and a physiological way from the intestine is excreted.

That is cucurbitina is a poison for worms. This property of pumpkin seeds against pests, the Chinese healer was, you just came to us this method to be used for the treatment of Helminthiasis. By the way, the pumpkin seeds of the parasite provided the maximum therapeutic effect, you have to eat together with the shell — specific shell contains the most cucurbitina.

Areas of application

The pumpkin seeds are effective against worms in each age — for adults and for children. In addition, the treatment of this folk medicine is very cost-effective and practical for each Person, making pumpkin seeds, use of parasites in the body of the individuals and their care can often.

So, the use of these funds is suitable for any Person with the following conditions:

  • in the house Pets live, therefore, a regular and safe cleaning of your body of possible parasites is shows all the members of the family — from small to large;
  • the treatment requires a child, especially small children, at that dinner, strong anti-parasitic drugs highly undesirable;
  • there is the desire to regular cleaning of the digestive tract of the possible infection of parasites, such as therapeutic and prophylactic;
  • there is a suspicion of the existence of worms, however, the recourse to the use of medication not want.

Mechanism of the effect of pumpkin seeds on the human body consider the following table.

ActionThe use of the seeds
CleaningAmino acids and fiber in pumpkin seed, to allow you to clean the body of toxins, waste products of worms.
RecoverySince the parasites feed on blood and other internal fluids and tissues of the human body against disease the person feels tiredness and irritability, suffers from the immune system. Pumpkin seeds are destroyed, and bring the parasites out of the body, causing these unpleasant symptoms. And the vitamins and minerals it contains (phosphorus, potassium, Magnesium and iron) to restore the health of the people after an illness.
The fight against parasitesPoison cucurbitina contains only pumpkin. Thus, a pronounced anthelmintic action.

In any case, in comparison to medication, the treatment of pumpkin seeds and not damage. Therefore, the main indications for the use of the seeds are:

  • Diseases of the kidneys, the gall bladder, of the stomach and liver, against the taking of drugs anthelmintic action is strictly prohibited;
  • Children up to 12 years;
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • People of advanced age.

For all of the listed persons, conservative treatment of parasitic invasions highly undesirable due to the toxic effects of drugs.

Which parasites pumpkin seeds help?

Cucurbitina, enriched the pumpkin seeds, able to destroy the vast number of parasites, size of a Millimeter up to one Meter. Paralyzed and causing the death of worms, cucurbitina is from the human body along with the dead parasites.

So, in relation to which helminths effective pumpkin seeds?

Type of wormsTitle
Round Worms (Nematodes)Pinworms, whipworm, trichinae, and ascarids.
Tapeworms (cestody)A tapeworm, cattle and swine tsepen.
Flukes (Trematodes)Liver-flukes, Siberian Fluke, Giardia.

Pumpkin seeds show their therapeutic effect of the above-mentioned parasites. If a different pathogen, pumpkin seeds revealed are not anti-make him parasitic effect.


How to make pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds are not only active against worms, but also facilitate the clinical signs of the disease. Their application improves the immune system, normalizes the work of digestive organs, improves appetite, nourishes a weakened body trace elements. Pumpkin seeds of worms are inside in a split, cheese, or a thermally treated Form, the main thing that you have spoken, the same Shell, we are above, where the active ingredient contains cucurbitina.

An adult per day need to eat at least 300 G of sunflower seeds, children of 70 G, depending on age. Apart from that, this means you are drinking to complement herbal teas, and enemas, with those in the system to get rid of worms, it will be much easier. Also, from a seed preparation of the tincture, or tea practiced.

There are pumpkin seeds of parasitic infestation must stomach on an empty. In order to strengthen the effectiveness, you can receive, you can combine it with other products, with Anti-parasitic properties, such as garlic.

How to take the pumpkin seeds from the existing worms, tell more.


Here is a selection of recipes that allow it to forgo the drug treatment and help, a farewell to parasites.

Pumpkin seeds and castor oil. An effective method against parasites. In the course of the day, a human food needs at least 100 seeds, it is important that they be thoroughly chewed. In the evening, just before bedtime, drink a tablespoon of castor oil.

The course of treatment — 3 days. Pumpkin seeds neutralize and destroy worms and castor oil have a laxative effect and brings them together with the chair to the outside. After a few weeks, it is recommended to repeat the course in order to avoid the recurrence of the disease in the body of the remaining eggs of tapeworms.

If the recipe is for children under 12 years of age, the number of seeds of castor-oil should be doubled, reduced smooth.

Pumpkin seeds and honey. 300 G of sunflower seeds to grind and mix with a tablespoon of honey. When the mixture was very thick, but they can be boiled a little water.


Eat pumpkin seeds with honey in the morning on an empty stomach. After 3 hours, drink a laxative, enema can replace. Course Of 3 Days.

If the treatment of teenagers, the number of seeds must be 150 G, for children up to 6 years — 70 g.

Pumpkin seeds and garlic. 200 G sunflower seeds in a short period of time, toast in a pan without oil and water, heat treatment should be superficial of. After the sun flowers cool the seeds, grinding them to a pulp in a blender, together with a cleaned head of garlic.

The resulting mixture there during the whole night. In the morning, after waking up, eat a tablespoons of the finished mixture. Food and drink in the next 3 hours in this recipe is not recommended.

Pumpkin seeds and milk. A glass of milk and a glass of sunflower seeds, stirring, in a kind of Cocktail with a blender and consume in the morning hours instead of the first meal.

An hour later a little boiled water to drink, after 3 hours, make you an enema or laxative to drink.

Pumpkin seeds and fennel seeds. In the same proportions you mix the seeds of Dill and pumpkins.

A tablespoon of the mixture pour a Liter of boiling water, leave for about an hour and drain. Drink as a tea 3 times a day. The course of treatment — 7 days.

Pumpkin seeds and Soda. Sunflower seeds frying without the addition of water and oil, grind with a meat grinder. 200 G of ground plant material, add 200 G of honey and a teaspoon of baking powder.


Decoction of pumpkin seeds. 500 G of peeled seeds pour a Liter of cold water, put the medium in a water bath and cook for 2 hours, without a boil. After the broth is cooled a little, press, sunflower seeds, means of strain, and drink it within one hour in small SIPS. After 2 hours of saline laxative drink.

Each recipe on the Basis of pumpkin seeds is simple and is in the application. After 7 days, after the end of each selected course of treatment, it is strongly recommended that a study on helminths.

The treatment of worms in stages

Antiparasitares therapy pumpkin seeds takes place in three stages. Each stage of the treatment lasts for a certain period of time.

Levels Actions
The firstBreeding expected from the organism of the protozoa, round and belt parasites. The cleaning is done by the administration of the Infusion of wormwood in the morning and in the evening. The daily dose of the Infusion of wormwood is not more than 100 ml. If the data is misused funds, the probability of side-effect — breakdown. Is pregnant prohibited the cleaning of the wormwood. The course of treatment — 3 days, then the mandatory break for 5 days.
The secondThe excretion of the smallest and the remaining after the first Phase of the cleaning of each of the major parasitic individuals. In the morning, on an empty stomach, chew and eat 300 G of pumpkin seeds, nothing do not drink the seeds is necessary, as the liquid diluted concentration cucurbitina and give the Chance to survive parasites. After a couple of hours to drink a solution of Epsom salt, and an hour later, do a cleansing enema. On the day of treatment enema, repeat at intervals of 2.5 hours, that is up to 8 times a day. The treatment for 7 days, then the mandatory break for the same time. Diet during the therapy cycle should disappear gently, without carbohydrates, oily and fried food. The author of the methodology recommends the consumption of cereals, vegetables and fruit.
The ThirdThe last Phase, during which the cleaning of the liver. Means for cleaning is made from natural olive oil and juice of one lemon. Both products are strong choleretic substances, and in addition to this, you have the ability to be excreted, the remaining possible parasites.

Method A. N. Suyama, by the author himself recommends a 4-time, with a high degree of precision cleanse the body of parasites, which is important for people with a high infestation of worms. Contraindicated use of this method for pregnant women, children up to 16 years of age-indicated in people in the body with the presence of stones (stones in the kidney, gall bladder) and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines.


How to deal with children

Since the seeds have no toxic effect on the human organism, they can be adopted without a concern in the age of the child.

How much and how to take the pumpkin seeds from in the body, worms in children depends on the age of the child. The General Schema of the intake of pumpkin seeds in the child age will be the next:

  • Children 5 to 7 years — the maximum daily quantity of sunflower seeds, 150 G;
  • from 8 to 10 years — 200 G;
  • Children of 11 to 12 years — 250 G;
  • older than 12 years — 300 G or adult dosage.

For dealing with deworm the listed recipes adults are allowed, but the dosage of the seed is recommended in the you to reduce something, taking into account the age features of the child.

If the child is not yet 5 years for which you do not own the pumpkin seeds and "milk" extract it from the seeds. For this Cup of shelled sunflower seed crushing (with preserved green Cup) and two cups of boiling brewing water. The resulting mixture to warm up a water bath on low heat for about 2 hours. Then the fire switched off, the dishes on the future of the medicine wrap and put for later Information for the whole night. In the morning, mix drain, to defend the collected fluid within 30 minutes. During this time, on the surface of the medium-oily stains, collect and pour with a spoon, and then, the resulting milk provide the child, which he is to drink on an empty stomach. show After 7 days of treatment, the pumpkin milk, it is recommended to repeat.


Side effects and contraindications

Despite the fact that pumpkin seeds — all vegetable product, in the event of abuse and / or the use of them without the permission of the attending physician, may harm the body.

Before you are treated pumpkin seeds we have to remember that these funds, in addition to the properties as an Anti-parasitic, a strong choleretic and laxative effect. This means that the product is absolutely contraindicated in persons with a chronic disease of the intestine indicated by the nature of the case, and the presence of lesions in the body stone formation.

Potassium, enriched pumpkin seeds, the urge intensifies the urine, i.e., diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract are also in the list of contra-indications.

Zinc, phosphorus and vitamins, which are also rich in pumpkin seeds, in case of exceeding a daily dosage, the following side effects can lead to:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • Cardiac Arrhythmias, Tachycardia;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Pain when urinating;
  • allergic reactions.

Help pumpkin seeds from the worms is really, help. Thanks to the active ingredient — cucurbitina, as well as the content of minerals, vitamins, pumpkin seeds can be used for the treatment and prevention of Helminthiasis in the body.