Parasites from the body forward to the home – the most effective methods

As you know vermin in the house already in ancient times. Then tablets, expensive medicines without any chemicals. The infection of the body is done invisible to the people themselves. Catch the worm eggs can be anywhere – on the street, in a public place, Transport. Carriers of Helminthiasis of animals, sick people are. Worm eggs on the underwear, clothes, towels, on the fur of Pets. In the environment with the feces.

Pain in the abdomen

Where are the parasites

In the human body para more than 250 species of tapeworms parasitize. The most common are:

  • pinworm;
  • Ascaris;
  • tsepen;
  • whipworm;
  • Trichinella;
  • Tape-worm;
  • Echinococcus;
  • Fluke;
  • krumm-head to the duodenum;
  • Fasciola.

The infection of the body occurs, during a meal or through direct contact with the larvae to the skin of the people. A large part of the parasites in the intestine is located. But prior to this larva, are found in various internal organs. Once in the body, the larvae quickly leave the egg, penetrate into the bloodstream. On the Phase of Migration can be vessels in the heart, liver, biliary tract, uterus, bone marrow, blood, finally to be found in the lungs. If you want to develop in this Organ, quickly, the tissues of the body cause damage to the cyst what is the formation of adhesions, scars,. Symptoms of infection-infection in this stage are similar to the flu, a pneumonia. Along with the Sputum, the lungs leave, when taking a re-infection of the body occurs. To find this time, the larva again in the intestine. Continue their development until the maturity of the individual.

But the life cycle of the worms is not always according to this scheme. Adult worms can bodies to penetrate into the heart, liver, lung, bone marrow, other interior. Often, if there are clear signs of Helminthiasis, the correct diagnosis is not possible. There is the parasites, and can do this at home?


Method for the purification of the body

Live traps in the fecal mass, only some kinds of parasites. This includes pinworms include. The rest are already in the event of death. Explains all this by the fact that most parasites have a hook, suction cups, other devices, which are firmly holding on to the intestines. Pinworms crawl freely in the intestine, therefore, the active activity of the peristalsis pushed out of the body together with the feces. Thus, the cleaning of the body is directed to the rearing of the parasites to the outside. How do you do this? Endless should first kill the screws. However, all is not so simple.

Dead parasites are more dangerous than the living. They secrete substances large quantities of poison. The poisoning of the organism occurs with a number of side effects. Often after the cleaning of the organism through the wrong use of traditional recipes, the Patient rooms can be found in the walls of the hospital. To follow take into account all the nuances of the cleaning of the body.

Accelerate the excretion of parasites from the human body, this method of cleaning helps, as enema. With this aim, a special broth prepared. A similar method of cleaning a laxative. With each defecation a certain number of living, dead, worms coming.

The most effective method for the cleaning of the body preparation process

The infection of the body happens imperceptibly. To gradually emerges of a disturbed activity of the internal organs, the immune system becomes weaker, a dysbiosis of the intestine and other unpleasant conversion. You can one hit kill parasites is possible, but behind this is the strongest increases the risk of blood poisoning. And matted leaves in large sizes in the gut leads to intestinal obstruction. Before you should going on in the home of parasites, they prepare the body.

Procedures for the correction of the diet. From the diet of sweets, pastries, buns, sweets, coffee, exclude fatty foods, fried. 3 days before the cleaning you eat grains, vegetables, salads with vegetable oils, herbs, and garlic should. Drink plenty of fluids – at least 2 liters per day. This can acid a herbal tea, black, green, Mineral water without gas. The same diet should be during the treatment present. Proper nutrition can reduce a bit the load on the digestive organs, calms the nervous system, facilitates the process of defecation. In Parallel with this preparatory method, you must. the taking of sorbents, they reduce the formation of gas, alleviate bloating, toxins As a sorbent, the taking of conventional coal can be active. For adults 2 tablets twice a day. Children give 1 tablet.


Cleaning of the body for therapeutic enema

Method uncomfortable, but the efficiency of the cleaning of parasites is high. Enema is done according to a certain scheme – daily, with a break. The best time is before bedtime. The duration of treatment depends on the chosen means of cleansing the body of parasites. It is important not to overdo it. The method of purification of the body with the use of enemas against parasites causing a side effect – constipation. After the treatment, you should not necessarily concentrate all their efforts on the recovery of the intestinal flora. The diet shows within a few weeks of active therapy.

Recipes for enemas of parasites, switching applications

  • Soda. It is considered to be one of the most effective means of cleansing the body. Bring the parasites in the course of the week. As the main means of baking powder. For a method 800 ml water, 20 G of Soda ash to enemas. In the warm water and Soda to solve. There is also necessary, add 1 teaspoon of salt. Heat the medical composition to a pleasant temperature of 42 degrees. In the intestine, it is recommended that resist the solution for about 30 minutes. Enema to make it through the day. The treatment lasts for 10 days. You should understand that Soda kills the parasites. Removes toxins from the body, toxins in the process of vital activity of the worms, and the already dead body of poison. During therapy you will observe your own sensations, the body's response. If there is pain during a bowel movement or in the breaks in between the surgery, you should stop the treatment.
  • Milk and garlic. This method of cleansing the body is considered to be the most effective in the presence of pinworms, roundworms. Garlic-milk-enema is gentle. It does not irritate the wall and without the injured intestine. Garlic makes parasites leave the intestines in a natural way, and the milk will help you. This method of cleansing the body recommended for children, pregnant women. To parasites from the intestine is necessary, a 3 procedure. Every day in the evening. For the preparation you must add the warm milk, the head of fresh garlic. The last crushed, pour milk. Capacity towel wrapped, insist 7 minutes. For adults with 800 ml of milk at a time, a child older than 5 years – 500 ml, less – 250 ml.
  • Juice. For the preparation of a solution for enemas, use cranberries in water at room temperature, the acidic juice of lemon, cranberries, sea buckthorn. In 1.5 liters of water with 2 tablespoons of juice, 1 salt. The last relieves swelling caused by the implementation of the enemas. Cleanse the body of parasites, in this way, 1 time. For procedures, frequent urge to have a bowel movement, follow the body of parasites to leave. For the last time, it is the most.

Very important to treatment regimens. If the body is sensitive to, the proceedings or the child is too small, use a different cleaning method.

Nettle Infusion

Laxative for cleansing the body of parasites

Works similar to the previous method of cleaning the body. Laxatives stimulate the intestinal peristalsis, facilitate the passage of the faecal masses.

  • Castor oil. Must take not more than 3 consecutive days. Currently, castor oil buy in the pharmacy in capsules. More convenient use in this Form. In Reserve from 2 to 6 hours of free time after taking the drugs. The easiest way to drink it at 2 in the morning. On the morning of the bowel works according to a predetermined pattern. The body prepares the cleaning. In addition, in the night of the organism calms down, parasites, traps, separated from the walls, in the fecal mass during defecation. For a half hour, an adult need to take 30 G of castor oil. Give Your Child 5-10. The combination with acidified water, Kefir, yogurt. You can drink the whole serving immediately. Especially if the time of reception of the night. Instead of castor oil, any vegetable oil can flax seed drink – sunflower, olive, sea buckthorn,. The dose for a 1-time – 30 ml.
  • Carrot juice. You can use freshly squeezed. Very important — immediately prior to use. 1 time not less than 200 glasses of juice you should drink.
  • Kefir. Natural laxatives for cleaning, everything has a positive influence on the condition of the intestine. Per day you drink about 1 Liter For the laxative effect enough for 2 glasses.
  • Dill. Fennel seeds are one of the most effective ingredients in the fight against parasites. For the cleaning of the body needed the drugs, according to a certain scheme. In the morning on an empty stomach to eat 1 tbsp. a spoon of seeds. The combination with 2 cups of water. Children for cleaning, you should to powder grind, or give a teaspoon of Dill. On the evening of 15 ml of Magnesia to drink. The procedure is 3 times. In the week 1 times. The following 14 days every fourth day be taken with or without Dill Magnesia.
  • Nettle Infusion. 2 tablespoon of nettle pour 400 ml of boiling water. Cover with a lid, insist night. For cleaning use in the course of the day.
  • Linseed. Pour 2 tablespoons of seeds with a glass of water. Allowed to stand overnight. In the morning drink on an empty stomach along with the seeds.
  • Salad. Boiled beets mixed with carrots, prunes. With Vegetable Oil, Salt. Eat in the morning.
  • Apple juice. You tart to sweet apples, the varieties best from the green. At once not less than 200 ml of drink immediately prior to use.

Folk laxatives do not cause habituation of the body, no side effects, which is very important. It should be only the individual characteristics of the organism for the avoidance of allergic reactions.

How to rid the body of parasites

As the therapeutic components of herbs, seeds, vegetables, fruit occur. Any means for cleaning prepare according to the recipe, take according to a certain scheme. To choose which program – the individual solution. They all have admission with a fast effect, a positive result. In the home of parasites treatment can resolve in a few days for the observance of all rules of the Anti-worms.

  • Pumpkin seeds. The rich composition of the seeds has a soothing effect on the digestive system, improves immunity. Quickly the body recovers after the activity of the parasites. Among other things, it contains a component that acts on worms, as a poison. The medicine you give your child self-treated. Not contraindicated this method of cleaning the organism of the parasite is pregnant. Sunflower seeds take independently or in the composition of other drugs. The simplest method of cleaning – in the morning on an empty stomach a hand full of food peeled sunflower seeds. As a laxative after 30 minutes, the carrots take juice.
  • Walnut. Peeled nuts are ground. Pour 4 tablespoons of the resulting composition in a glass of boiled water. On a small flame until boiling. Insist 30 minutes. Drink for the cleaning during the day in small portions.
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Three of the group. A known method for the effective cleaning of the body. At home, you can achieve tremendous results. It consists of a 50 G cloves, 100 G of tansy, wormwood 30 g. The secret of the success of the mix in action in each of them. Together, the plants allow, the body from parasites and normalize their work. Tansy destroys adult insects, wormwood, and cloves fights with larvae in various stages of development, from the eggs of the parasites. The medication must according to a certain scheme. All of the components in a powder turn. On the first day, take 1 TSP for cleaning on an empty stomach. Wash with clear water. You can then remove bitterness, honey, jam, juice. 2,3 day drinking in the same dosage twice per day. In the subsequent three times. The course of treatment is about a month. To clean In the first time the body of parasites, then drugs recovered. The duration of the cleaning depends on the severity of Helminthiasis.
  • Garlic. Bring the parasites of this ingredient, there are different ways, methods. A few of them. Garlic crushed, is fastened to the heel, patch. You go with him throughout the day. The active components of garlic pass through the skin, through the blood throughout the body. A very effective method, if this Helminthiasis in its initial phase. If the larvae are still in the vessels. Garlic baked in the oven, was applied over night in the navel. In the evening, pour a couple of teeth of garlic a glass of boiled water. In the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Cognac. You are buying a high-quality drink, shaded denatured alcohol for cleaning is not suitable. The treatment is carried out in the night. In this time, most of the parasites crawling through the intestines. About 2 o'clock in the morning you should drink a Cup of green tea. After 5 Minutes, 100 G Of Cognac. This spirit on the Basis of oak bark dulls vigilance parasites. After 15 minutes, take 50 G of castor oil. Before it warmed to body temperature. If you have nausea, you can drink water with lemon juice or keep a disc in the mouth. After 10 minutes, you can go back to bed for more sleep. The body of parasites cleaned starts tomorrow. The course of treatment is 3 days in a row.

To cleanse the body of parasites twice a year. Methods, techniques, recipes and the cleaning can be selected, at its sole discretion, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. It is very important. Each of them as the best for many years.