Worms in adults: symptoms, treatment

Worms worms called, from the group of worms, parasites in the human body and cause disturbances in the functions of organs and systems. In adults, pinworms and ascarids. You may also see various species of tapeworms, the tapeworms. In any case, upon the occurrence of symptoms of Helminthiasis, you must immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe an effective treatment.

Causes of the disease

There are several sources of the infection of the organism deworm:

  1. Helminthiasis – in this case of worms in the human organism through the soil and the water. Also this Problem can occur if you are flying in contact with the animals and during the Migration of the eggs to food.
  2. Contact way worms are transmitted from person to person. As pinworms are usually, where the risk of infection is very high.
  3. Organic worm infestations – worms in the body after the consumption of raw and undercooked meat or fish.
  4. Insect bites. Often a carrier of tape worms, mosquitoes are.
Worms in adults

The main infection route with worms as the fecal-oral route. In this case, the worm eggs enter the human organism with food or water. Pretty rare helminthic infestations occur during the insect bites.

Symptoms of tapeworms in adults

Signs of infection is directly dependent on the localization of worms in the body. The largest colonies of vermin – ascarids, pinworms, tape worms are in the intestine, but some worms are able to pass through the body to navigate. For example, the nematode can pass first into the stomach and from there the flow of blood in the lungs or the liver. There they develop within three weeks, then fall back into the intestine or the stomach.

Pinworms often are located in the Anus, causing intense itching. In women, they can also be localized in the genitals. Such parasites, such as cat's dvuustka, often live in the liver and the pancreas. Echinococcus granulosus are able to hit the muscles and bones, and taenia – can also penetrate into the brain. Also, some types of worms can be caused in the organs of breathing, a constant cough.

Depending on the localization of the following symptoms of Helminthiasis:

  • Constipation. Worms large sizes the intestinal lumen can close, what injury chair provoked. Constipation can take more than two days.
  • Diarrhea. Some parasites produce a special substance that stimulates the body to excretion of undigested food residues, together with a lot of water.
  • Flatulence. The different types of worms provoke bloating in the small intestine, resulting in an excessive formation of gases. If the time is not to get rid of worms, flatulence can take up to several months.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Worms and the development of inflammation in the intestine, which leads to Absorption of nutrients can cause.
  • Painful sensations in muscles and joints. Worms can be localized in any part of the body. If you fall into the joints or the muscles, the destruction of the tissue. In the result of pain, the body's reaction to the viability of the parasites.
  • An Allergy. The allocation of the worms cause the body's own production of specialized cells – eosinophils. They lead to inflammation of the tissue, and what is the cause of allergic reactions.
  • Diseases of the skin. In the result, the people had pimples, wrinkles, urticaria, acne, and even papillomas. Sometimes, the infection by helminths leads to increased fragility of nails and hair.
  • Anemia. The different types of worms are able to stick to the walls of the intestine, by him not only nutrients, but also the blood. In the end, the development of anemia.
  • Painful sensations in muscles and joints
  • Weight change. The most common infestation infestation leads to severe weight loss. The fact that parasites absorb a significant amount of nutrients in the human organism with food. In addition, the presence of worms infestation is often leads to loss of appetite. However, in some cases in humans, an increase in the Body Mass – this process screws is a defensive reaction of the organism to the peak of the endless.
  • Problems in the functioning of the nervous system. The presence of worms in the body have a negative impact on the condition of the nervous system. As a result of the in the people a fear, anxiety, and even Depression develops to begin.
  • Sleep disorders. If a man every night, wakes up in the middle of the sleep, it suggests infestation of worms. In this time, the cleansing the liver of toxic materials are produced be caused by the worms. In General, in the night parasites leave the body through the Anus, and this process is accompanied by a feeling of strong itching.
  • The syndrome of chronic fatigue. This condition manifests weakness in the Form of depression, apathy,. The cause of this problem lies in a lack of nutrients in the body. In humans, it can lead to memory loss, emotional tension.
  • Disorders of the immune system. Infestation infestation can cause immunodeficiency diseases. As a result, people are significantly more likely to become ill with the virus diseases. With him occur allergic reactions to familiar products. Often develops in the intestinal dysbiosis, or colitis, and on his face, acne, skin rashes, and Herpes advanced appear.
  • Oncological Pathology. The worms can severely poison the body that the immune system is simply not finished with this process. In the result of various complications, including favoring the formation of malignant tumors develop.
  • The inflammatory process in the Airways. The worms can move freely in various organs, and, of course, the respiratory system can be no exception. If worms of the respiratory tract obstruct the biliary tract, you may experience difficulties with the process of respiration. Also, when people cough and increased body temperature occurs often. Pretty dangerous complication of Helminthiasis in the development of bronchial Asthma.
Methods for the diagnosis of Helminthiasis

Methods for the diagnosis of Helminthiasis

To bring the worms in the body of an adult, the most commonly used ovoscopy,. This study includes the analysis Kala on eggs of worms, parasites in the organs of the digestive system. Unfortunately, not always possible, a one hundred percent results, because not all worms are put systematically their eggs.

More accurate results can be achieved with the help of the histological coprogram. Through this study it can clearly the body identify parts of the worms and their eggs. In the result, not only the diagnosis of Helminthiasis, but also to determine the type of the identified parasites.

If it shows a suspicion that the localization of worms in the lungs, an x-ray. In addition, the examination of Sputum is carried out. To reveal parasites in the liver, brain or kidney, computed tomography, or ultrasound. For the diagnosis of worms in the blood. For this purpose, immunological Tests can be performed.

The treatment of worms in adults

The therapy visit as efficient as possible, a doctor, and the compliance with its recommendations. A specialist will appoint the treatment only on the basis of the results of the analyses. Self-drugs is allowed to take, because they have a toxic effect on the human organism. In addition, take into account that in the case of various helminthoses require different therapies. Important in the choice of the dosage of the drug, a age and weight of the Person.

In the case of the detection of pinworms or ascarids for the treatment of drug.

Many drugs are ineffective against larvae and eggs of worms. In addition, there is a big threat to auto-infection Enterobius. So after 2-3 weeks of a course of therapy to be repeated.

Among the natural healing agents for combating helminths pumpkin seeds and grass tansy differ. Sunflower seeds, we recommend that self-cleaned, to store and to eat, a thin foil between the seed and the shell.

For getting rid of worms 300 G of this product, you need to chop, mix with honey and eat. You can make it better only in the early morning hours of the day. Then you should be within 3-4 hours meals. After this time, you have to make an enema. The treatment can be repeated after a couple of weeks.

One of the most popular means of worms tansy is. For the preparation of the broth, 3 tablespoons of herbs with one Cup of boiling water and leave for 1 hour, after which you can strain it. Means you need to drink 3-4 times a day a tablespoon.

To cope with the toxins and destroy worms foods help, with a bitter taste. For this purpose, wormwood and cloves is recommended. In addition, all helminths are almost unable to tolerate acidic environment. Therefore, the worms can cope due to the inclusion in the diet of Sauerkraut, Apple cider vinegar, and natural juices of acid vegetables and fruits.

If there is a suspicion of the presence of worms in the body, must in the diet of a large number of fresh carrots. Also very useful to natural carrots buds juice and the Infusion of birch. For its production, a teaspoon has to pour raw a glass of water, and heated on the steam bath for half an hour. After two hours the Infusion is ready for use immediately. It is recommended that a half a Cup of medium twice a day. Therapy 1 Week.

Prevention of worms

To not had to fight the unpleasant consequences of infection-infestation, it is recommended that preventive measures. This should include the use of raw water from springs or wells. You can drink only boiled or filtered water.

After the contact with the earth, your hands need to wash well with soap. Not less carefully wash vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries. Very important is a thorough expose of the thermal treatment of meat, fish and poultry. Is not recommended, sun-dried, salted or raw food with a content of the blood.

After bathing in the pool of water is absolutely necessary to take a shower. Should not allow Pets to lick the hands or the face, because their language can worm eggs are present. After contact with animals should wash well hands. In addition, the implementation of anti-parasitic cleaning pet.

Worm infestations

In particular, in the case of Helminthiasis in pregnancy

Of the infection with worms, no one is immune, and of course pregnant women are no exception. In addition, during the incubation of the child, the immune system is significantly weakened, but because of the risk of the development of Helminthiasis increases. To avoid this, pay attention to the prevention of diseases – a good hand washing after using the toilet or contact with animals, carefully vegetables, herbs and fruit to process before consumption.

If the infection has happened, you must immediately consult a doctor. During pregnancy taking can drug by far not every of worms. During this period, allowed only the use of piperazine. In the case of the infection of Ascaris the dosage is 1.5-2 G, the course of treatment 2 days after 2 taking an hour before a meal. If a pregnant woman pinworms diagnosed, the therapy is 5 days, you must continue taking the drug in the same dosage.

Worms are fairly common in adults, resulting in serious injury in the work of many organs and systems. In order to prevent, to engage in the development of dangerous complications, is worth the prevention of Helminthiasis. If the parasites penetrated in the body, you must immediately contact your doctor who will prescribe effective remedies.