Pumpkin seeds — a natural remedy for parasites

Scientists claim that the pumpkin was one of the first plants to be edible. Special popularity enjoyed pumpkin seeds, the unique taste and a delicate flavor. In the course of time, people attention have seeds on the truly healing properties of the pumpkin. These oval and flat seeds contain many useful substances, as well as have a strong parasitic effect. No wonder that the treatment of parasites is carried out on these delicious seeds.

Pumpkin seeds

Use, due to the rich composition

Pumpkin seeds – a pantry of vitamins and minerals, what makes the product particularly valuable because as a part of many dishes, and in its raw state. When the composition of the seeds, you will notice that they contain everything you need for a fulfilling and, above all, the smooth operation of the body.

The healing components:

  1. Vitamins: A, B1, B2, PP, B5, B6, B9, C, E, Because If man suffers from a lack of vitamins, these have a devastating effect on his health and functionality of organs and systems of the body, health. Fall to the defenses of the organism, and the people are sick all the time. Therefore, it is very important in your diet, Vitamin "products".
  2. Trace elements. This life-necessary components to promote the functionality of the internal organs and support the state, the well-being of the people on the right level.
  3. Amino acids involved in the production of proteins.
  4. Cucurbitina. This Element has a paralyzing effect on the worms. You can not join in the intestinal mucus and to move. The largest concentration of this substance in the Film, the seeds covered. Therefore, pumpkin seeds should be consumed, along with a green film covered.

Since ancient times, the people with reverence for the seeds of the pumpkin and supplemented their food and medicines. If you are in the menu, pumpkin seeds, and very soon you will notice the following changes:

  1. Strengthens the immune system of the organism.
  2. Normalizes the condition of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Improves sexual function in both sexes.
  4. Normalizes the metabolism function of the body.
  5. Pumpkin
  6. The body comes in tone.
  7. Stabilized the work of the digestive tract.
  8. The level of hemoglobin increases.
  9. Hair and nails are strengthened.
  10. Improves the regenerative abilities.

What are the worms afraid of pumpkin seeds

Due to the long experience of the people, different types of parasites, this product fights:

  • Thread worm;
  • pinworms;
  • ring-shaped helminths;
  • Tape worms.

Not so long ago found that pumpkin seeds help to Giardiasis, caused by lamblia, not the worms. Product destroys microorganisms and do not allow them to multiply.

Overdose, and contraindications

Even the most useful means to result in too large doses may result in irreparable injury. Pumpkin seeds are harmless, but that does not mean that they can be eaten without taking any measures. If you overdo it with this product, instead of the expected effect, you can cause damage to the body.

Not the use of pumpkin seeds without the supervision of a specialist is recommended if a Person:

  • overweight;
  • allergic to this product;
  • acidification;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • Pathology of the liver, and the kidneys;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract (intestinal obstruction).
Recipes with pumpkin seeds

The optimum benefit from the consumption of pumpkin seeds and will not harm your body, you should not this product let in. When it comes to the expulsion of parasites, the seeds need to eat daily and in sufficient quantity. Before we start the treatment, each Person needs to make sure that he is not in the group of contraindications. If you seed, regardless of the prohibitions, you may experience the following side effects:

  • Diseases of the digestive organs;
  • nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Tachycardia;
  • the increased activity of the kidneys and the liver.

These symptoms are extremely rare. Nausea, vomiting and heart palpitations the overshoot provoked daily dosage. Therefore, to even try to get rid of worms, it is important to keep an eye on the number of consumed seeds, without a deterioration in their condition.

How pumpkin seeds parasites

Parasites get rid of the pumpkin seeds in any Form. You can fry them, dry them, add tea, or favorite dish, but you can eat in raw Form.

It is very important in the process of cleaning it from parasites that do not overload your body. To find out the exact dosage of the product, it is sufficient to know the age of the patient and familiarize yourself with the following list:

  • the daily dose for adults – 0.3 kg of seed;
  • for children of 10-15 years – 0.2 kg;
  • under 10 years of age — 0.1 kg;
  • three-four-year – 0.075 kg.

Qualified specialists recommend that eat sunflower seeds raw, with foil-green, the inner part of the shell and the seeds.

Recipes with pumpkin seeds

In order to nourish the body with vitamins and trace elements, enough to eat meals with pumpkin seeds time in seven days. If there is a need in the treatment, you will need this useful product in daily diet.

Corrupt or damaged seeds, remove and throw away. Because the quality of the ingredients determines the outcome of the treatment.

Remedy for Giardia:

Sunflower seeds

You cook the Tool under the force of every human being. Its pleasant taste, effectiveness and affordable ingredients – the best combination for medication.


Adults – 0.3 kg of sunflower seeds; half a Cup of honey; 50 ml of pure water.


Sunflower seeds carefully grind in a blender and mix until it is homogeneous with honey and water. Mediterranean food on an empty stomach for a period of 60 minutes. After 3 hours take a laxative and bowel emptying.

Remedy for worms and Giardia;


Adults – 0.3 kg of sunflower seeds; half a Cup of honey.


Fresh seeds cleaning, drying, and grinding in a blender. Honey, heating in a water bath and pour it into the powder from the seeds. Thoroughly mix the ingredients until a thick liquid slurry. On an empty stomach the resulting compound, and after three hours of food, a laxative. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can have an enema with a strong effect against parasites decoction of herbs.

Medium with garlic

Ingredients: the cleaned teeth cloves of garlic – 5 pieces; Pumpkin seeds – 0.3 kg for an adult; 2 tablespoons of boxes of honey.


Seeds to clean and roast in the oven or in the pan. Grind in a blender to form fine crumbs. The garlic through a press or chop with a knife. Mix them, add the honey. Remove on 12 hours.

On an empty stomach you can eat 1 tablespoon of Lodges. daily. After taking this means you can't eat or drink. With the exception of the brews with anti-parasitic effects form. After three hours to drink a laxative and go to the bathroom. After that, you can have Breakfast in the morning.

Means with castor oil

100 take. Seeds and put them into 4 parts (25 pieces). All four portions of the seed should be slowly, chewing carefully and swallowing. Should chew one after the other, one after the other. To drink In one hour 1 h. lies. pure castor oil. Repeat daily, for 30 days.

Evaporation of useful elements of pumpkin seeds

  • 3 kg of kernels crushed with the help of the blender;
  • Pour the water, in a ratio of 1:2;
  • you put on a water bath, 120 minutes;
  • sterile gauze folded, cut in half and strain the resulting substance;
  • remove oil from the water surface Plaque film;
  • let it cool and apply to the treatment.

You should drink the means received within 30 minutes on an empty stomach. After a couple of hours to drink a laxative and cleanse the bowel.

The basis of the maximum efficiency

Pumpkin seeds parasites

The largest pharmaceutical companies in the world are constantly working on the creation of the Anti-parasitic agent. Often, drugs have a devastating effect on the body as a whole. This is due to the fact that in its composition chemical, toxic, and complex synthetic materials are included. Therefore, a growing number of people are treated preferably with the help of natural remedies, and in particular pumpkin seeds. Because they consist only of healthy and natural elements and is not damage therefore.

The "pumpkin" treatment to achieve maximum results, you should observe the following rules:

  1. To do two-three days before the beginning of the course of treatment morning enemas water.
  2. In the evening, after the consumption of pumpkin seeds, be sure to a laxative drink.
  3. To eliminate for the period of the treatment of greasy, fried, dairy, candy, flour products, bread and pastries.
  4. A laxative should drink means three hours after ingestion of the "pumpkin". This is a quick cleaning of the intestine, and the excretion of parasites. Otherwise, worms will die and remained in the bowel, provoke serious intoxication of the organism.

To clean to 100% of the intestines of worms, should the remedy not less than 30-60 days. During this time all the larvae are about to hatch and die.