Types of helminths in humans: the first symptoms when they occur

Daily helminth infected adults and children, you can defend yourself, but not always works. Therefore, to understand clearly who we have here, you need to know your views. Because only the correct identification of the worm that can defeat him.

In this article, you will learn: what are human worms are there, where you can catch them, the characteristic signs of infestation. Pay attention to your health, and remember that it is up to you.

Types of worms

The human worms — classification

Helminths (worms) – a huge class of parasitic worms that live in the bodies of humans, animals and plants. Worms, parasitic worms, feeding the inner resources of the organism, the "host" not only weaken the body, but also to the development of other comorbidities.

Strangely enough, but almost every second person is a carrier is one of the species of helminths and still not even know about it until complications manifest or not, is carried out an additional investigation. In accordance with the climate zones, in the areas of various continents, various worms live.

Also worms are in the process of transmission from body to body:

  • Bio-worms of the animals;
  • contagious – transmitted from sick people;
  • Geo helminths larvae in the soil is stored.

The penetration of the larvae in the body, they move through the body through the blood and in the organs deposited. The most common worms settle in the various departments of the intestine. Classification of the place of settlement of parasites:

  1. Translucent helminths – settling bodies in the hollow.
  2. Fabric are in the fabric.
  3. Other – live and in the hollow organs, and in the depth of the tissue.

In nature there are about 250 species of worms. For each of them certain conditions for their existence and development. Worms differ from one another in size, shape, and other characteristic features.

The classification of these parasites is not yet completely formed, and not by the scientists.

The separation of worms on a territorial basis has to be the place to be. This fact complicates the classification of the parasites. In the countries of the middle latitudes with favourable climatic conditions, you can count more than 20 types of worms that are divided into three groups, depending on the appearance and Form:

  • Round (Nematodes);
  • Band (cestody);
  • Flat (Trematodes).

Nematodes and trematodes occur more frequently in nature as parasites of tapeworms. The human body is an ideal breeding ground for growth and pinworms, and ascarids. Often, and Trichinella. Include in cestodes of cattle, pig, rat taenia, a broad tape-worm.

Types of helminths in humans — roundworms (nematodes)

Another name of these worms hook worms. This type of worms is considered to be the most common. They are characterized by the round shape of the body in cross-section. The body length of the different types of worms can vary greatly – from 5 mm to 40 cm.

Types of worms in the body

For the life of the rule, select the intestines, but easily enough by the body of the host and live migrate into other organs.

Wide dissemination of the nematodes due to the fact that infection with them is very easy. Between a result, the host is not necessary, and transfer it from one patient to another. Also, infestation can develop due to the consumption of unwashed fruits or vegetables. Therefore, the infection of these helminths is characteristic for children, because they tend to be against the rules of Hygiene.


Pinworms – representatives roundworms have a round shape, a length of about 2 centimeters. There are both adults and in children. Settle in the small intestine and develop from larva to adult for 2 weeks. Pinworms cause the disease enterobiasis.

The infection, Enterobius shows inflammation of the intestinal wall, injured the digestive processes, the toxins of the worms, induce local bleeding. The disease manifests itself nightly itching in the back passage. Cause itching the female, the eggs.

By viruses, such as Enterobius, you can not be the only contact with the General objects with an infected Person, but also vegetables in the garden (eggs in the soil), cockroaches, and flies, the vectors of the eggs. In enterobiose in women, parasites, inflammation of the genital organs cause. Also inflamed, and scratching, what to Aureus.

Thread worm

Nematode – round worms that can grow up to 40 centimeters and a diameter of about 6 centimeters. Eggs of roundworms in case of intrusion in the ground, where it can be stored for about a year before the entry into a favourable environment for the development. If the larva of the nematode penetrates into the body of the wearer, and begins to develop, it secretes toxins, which the lung, in the liver.

The larva travels throughout the body and affects the blood vessels and causes inflammatory lesions. It nests itself in the intestines and lives by its content. Of the day several thousand eggs may be delayed.

Due to its considerable size, the worm thread to the food can move in the ducts of the pancreas, bile ducts of the liver, inflammatory processes of the intestine, can out of the block in the esophagus and the respiratory tract. Causes a disease, such as Ascariasis.

Whereabouts nematode in the body, you can recognize these signs:

  1. Nausea and vomiting, pain in the abdomen.
  2. Fatigue.
  3. Diarrhea, red worms in the feces.
  4. Allergic Reactions.

Thread worm have the characteristic of ending in a tangle, when this happens, intestinal obstruction, and Peritonitis.


The next representative of the round worms, the whip worm is. Its length is 5 cm. The unusual shape of the majority of the thin and the short portion width is different. Presence in the human body, whip worms cause trichozefales.logs

The availability in the body whipworms leads to trichocephalosis and manifested symptoms:

  • Pain in the abdomen, loss of appetite;
  • Diarrhea alternates with constipation;
  • sometimes admixture of blood in Kale;
  • Iron-Deficiency Anemia.


This type of thread worms inhabited in the stomach of dogs and feces, the eggs fall to the ground. Externally, a parasite similar to roundworms, but only grows up to 15 centimeters. The complete life cycle of this parasite is in the body of the dog, so that the entry in a favourable environment of a human, the larva, but have time to hurt it.

The muscles, liver, lungs, heart, tissue, eyes, brain, affect the disease toxocariasis develops.

The activity of the larvae in the body manifests symptoms:

  • the increase in the temperature;
  • Lymph nodes and the liver;
  • Skin rash;
  • Infiltrates in the lungs;
  • Dyspnea, dry rales, cough;
  • the violation of the Psyche, and cramps;
  • a blood test shows the presence of eosinophils.

Confirmation of the diagnosis can with the scratching of the affected area of the skin, the analysis of blood on antibodies, a biopsy of the liver.


In this case, the infection occurs through the skin or ingestion of the larvae. With the blood in the lungs and heart, but rather the small intestine. They live for about 4 years, hook worm caused. His Symptoms:

  1. Fever.
  2. Increased Flow Of Saliva.
  3. Eosinophilia.

Symptoms of the pathology occur on the current stage of infestation, when in the body a large amount of worms accumulates. The first Phase is detect the course, which is why the pathology can detect by chance.

Tapeworms (cestody)

If you learn all the types of occurring tapeworms in people, tapeworms are among the most dangerous. The primary risk associated with the size, as this type of vermin can reach lengths of 18 m.

For this reason, their influence on the organism of the people is very unfavorable. Complete cycle of your life requires a change of the owner. Certain parts of the tape worms live in the body of animals of the bovine species, from the go to the people.

A Tape Worm

A tapeworm up to 10 meters long. With the help of the slots on the head attached to the surface of the intestine. In the human body coincides with raw freshwater fish in the Form of larvae and fully developed in the course of the month.

Symptomatic indicates the presence of parasites in the body as:

  • Vitamin deficiency a deficiency of Vitamin B12, folic acid;
  • Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
  • Disorders of the functions of the gastro-intestinal tract;
  • Exhaustion;
  • an increase in the temperature.

This parasite feeds on weight due to the absorption of nutrients to the surface of his considerable body. At the point of attachment of the broad lentetsa a necrosis develops. In feces, the members appear to be (contain egg) worm and its eggs.

bullish tsepen

Bullish tsepen

Bullish tsepen (tape worm) lives in the small intestine reaches and 7 feet long. Bovine tapeworm larvae infect humans through the consumption of cooked beef. To see the larvae easily in the meat, because its size of approximately 5 mm. in the organism of the human Getting, the larva grows in 3 months.

Increasingly, with the help of segments that contain up to 150 thousand larvae. Such segments on the body of the cattle tape worm, about 2 thousand.

These members even at night from the Anus, and spread on the bed. The presence of this worm can lead to an infection teniarinhoze, the manifested symptoms:

  1. The exhaustion of the organism.
  2. Bowel disease.
  3. Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting.
  4. Allergic Reactions.

Swine tsepen

Swine tsepen can be confused with bullish, but the size of the modest – 2.5 meters. The number of nodes in the case of this parasite is even less – about 1 thousand. The head of the worm has suckers and a proboscis with hooks, with which the attached is thicker in the gut.

By virus by raw meat and fat can. This parasite causes diseases taeniasis and cysticercosis. Symptomatology is dependent on the number of worms in the body. A large number of parasites can lead to blockage of the intestine, what is safe again, only surgically.


Is the causative agent in hookworm. Habitat Duodenum 12. Length of the worm of about 14 mm. Powered by the nutrients produced from the intestinal wall.

The parasite through the blood vessels entering the liver, lung, heart. The infection duodenal ankilostomoj symptoms manifested:

  • belching, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Headache, Dizziness;
  • Cough, dyspnea, pneumonia, pain in the heart;
  • Fatigue, chronic fatigue.

Hookworm causes complications: Hepatitis, ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer, Bronchitis, Laryngitis, endocarditis. Make the diagnosis can Shine with the help of blood tests, x-rays, an x-ray.

The simplest organisms

Protozoa called due to the fact that they are single-celled. But that does not mean that their presence in the human body are harmless. In these types of parasites, not less severe diseases than in other cases can occur.


Your danger is the fact that the presence in the body is a lack of pathological symptoms. People are getting stuck by these microorganisms, swallows the Giardia cysts. This can happen when swimming in open water. Their multiplication is effected by cell division in two halves.

These parasites from the stomach spread throughout the body together with the blood, beat the various organs.

The Patient may symptoms of all types of pathologies, but does not speculate about the cause of their development. Mostly Giardiasis caused by the following diseases:

  1. An Allergy.
  2. Bronchitis.
  3. Bronchial Asthma.
  4. Dermatitis.
  5. Cholecystitis.
  6. IRR.
  7. Entero-colitis.
  8. Dyskinesia 12 duodenal ulcer, and biliary tract.
  9. Enteritis.
  10. Chronic Fatigue.

Another Fort of Giardiasis cause diseases of the Central nervous system and the circulatory system below.

Symptoms of the emergence of worms

The Manifestation of Helminthiasis in humans can vary. Symptoms that occur in humans, the severity of infection:

  • A Dull Appearance.
  • Weight loss.
  • Pallor.
  • Itching in the anal area.

In most cases, the infection by helminths has similar symptoms with other diseases, the treatment of which is the effectiveness. Depending on the localization of the parasites and their number, the development of certain symptoms.

Crash of the gastro-intestinal System

When worms in the intestines, then the person is faced with such problems, such as:

  1. Diarrhea or, on the contrary, constipation.
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Pain in the area of the intestine.
  4. Flatulence.
  5. The severe loss or, on the contrary, weight gain.

Large worms can block the intestine and cause constipation. Through the constant discharge of waste products of humans all signs of a poisoning feels – there is nausea, vomiting, General weakness.


Prevention of worms

Note that no worms may not be fruitful, and multiply in the human body, each type has its time, after you die, for example, have pinworms there are only a couple of weeks, in the case of roundworms about a year.

Latent eggs of the adult, need to get out of and matured from the body, or with the faeces or on the skin near the Anus, in the environment, in soil, and only then, outside of the human body and to enable you to start and parasitize.

Since the worms do not multiply in the human body directly, the increase in the number of adults in the intestines of already infected people, only in the event of a re-infestation when the eggs fall through the mouth in the body.

For example, the person could get rid of the worms after 3-4 weeks without any treatment. But not so easy to live by those rules to keep small children and primary school-age children.