Symptoms and treatment of worms in children

Worms in children – this is a Problem all parents face almost. The parasites penetrate into the body in various ways, disrupt the work of the internal organs and systems, the products of their life activity, provoke the development of poisoning and allergies.

Most of the children put the different types of worms, the infection occurs in the case of non-compliance with the rules of Hygiene, by household items. The incubation period is 3-6 weeks, during this time, increases the number of parasites significantly, resulting in the emergence of negative symptoms.


How is the infection with worms:

  • the consumption of dirty water, unwashed vegetables, berries and fruit;
  • Contact of domestic and homeless animals;
  • the flies, the mosquitoes carry the eggs of parasites;
  • Games with dirty Sand, earth;
  • infection with worms occurs through contact of the eggs survive in the environment (if the child is dirty the object, then touches the hands in front of the mouth, parasites, which in the digestive tract);
  • by eating foods without sufficient heat treatment;
  • intrauterine infection from the mother.

The main of the infection-infestation – fecal route-orally, the larvae enter the body through dirty hands, food and water.

The first signs and symptoms of worms

Symptoms of Helminthiasis depends on the settlement of parasites, often a sign of infestation to be confused with a cold, poisoning, intestinal infections, allergies.

  1. Thread the worm from the stomach with bloodstream, the liver and the lungs, migrate to 3 weeks in the intestine.
  2. Pinworms crawl out to lay their eggs in the anal area, can so live and in the genitals.
  3. Some types of parasites infect the liver and the pancreas.
  4. Some types of tape worms penetrate into the tissue of the brain.

How to understand that the child has worms:

  • long-term constipation – caused due to the accumulation of parasites in the intestine;
  • Disruption of chair – worms produce an enzyme that speeds up the process of digestion in humans, non-digested food in with a lot of water;
  • Bloating – in the case of parasite infestation, flatulence lasts for several months;
  • nausea, vomiting, increased Salivation;
  • Decrease or a significant increase in appetite, weight, in each case reduced;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome – on the background of the protracted parasitic infestation develop inflammation in the organs of the digestive tract;
  • Parasites
  • Abdominal pain – often localized in the navel or below the ribs on the right side;
  • Anemia, vitamin deficiency – worms, absorb nutrients, prevent the normal Absorption, the body suffers deficiency of vitamins and trace elements;
  • Articular surface, and muscle pain;
  • dermatological, problems arise against the background of the strong intoxication of an organism products of the vital activity of the worms – papillomas, acne, urticaria, diathesis;
  • Deterioration of the nail, of hair;
  • Cough, headache, and other symptoms of colds, Sinusitis, and polyps.

In the case of parasite infestation, change, and Psycho-emotional condition of the child – he is Moody, irritable, sleep disorders, adolescent depression.

Signs of Helminthiasis, depending on the type of parasites

In addition to common symptoms, some types of worms-specific symptoms.

In the case of enterobiasis

If the infection occurs, intense, unbearable itching in the anal area that is exacerbated while you are sleeping, because of what wakes up the child often deteriorates on the background of fatigue, memory, reduced school performance. Pathology is often accompanied by bedwetting, girls inflammatory diseases of the genital organs develop, in the case of heavy contamination-possible inflammation of the Appendix.

Enterobiasis can cause Anal itching


Especially sharply shown in the case of small children, against the background of the infestation, the temperature rises to 38 degrees, there is a dry cough with sputum orange, sometimes there are swollen lymph nodes, spleen, liver. One of the most important features of the appearance of a rash on the skin of the feet and hands.


Anhalt observed temperature increase up to the treble, pronounced allergic reactions, joint pain.


Accompanied by a strong cough, attacks of shortness of breath, severe itchy skin rashes, can be found in the cornea of the eyes.

If the child has colds often sick, pathology, medical treatment, recalcitrant, may be the cause of the unpleasant symptoms due to infestation with worms. To accurately identify parasites, the diagnosis of help.

Tests for worms in children

The main method of diagnosis is the analysis of a feces and a scrape, but this method allows you to detect only a small number of parasites, if the results are negative, but in the case of children, there are signs of Helminthiasis, more detailed studies.

Methods of research:

  • scratch tape with Anal fold in the morning you make the child wash, lift the intestines;
  • coprogram analysis passed three times at intervals of 5-7 days;
  • clinical analysis of blood to determine the number of eosinophilic granulocytes, hemoglobin;
  • a chest x-ray, a Sputum – in case of suspicion for the presence of parasites in the organs of the respiratory system;
  • MRI, CT, ultrasound – you can see the worms in the brain, the liver, the lungs.

Computed tomography gives the possibility to understand clearly — there are worms or not

One of the most reliable methods for diagnosis of parasitic invasions – Elisa, antibodies in the blood, parasites and antigens, to determine the degree of their concentration. The reliability of the analysis, more than 95%, you can determine the presence of other helminths, regardless of their localization. You will learn the results after 2-3 days.


To detect a great advantage of the method of the parasites already a few hours after infection, long before symptoms of Helminthiasis.

Rarely babies suffering from parasitic infestation, at risk are children aged 2-7 years. Infants may be due to a parasite only of the members of the family.

How to get worms in the child at home?

In the identification of parasites in children need immediate drug therapy to avoid development of serious complications. As an additional treatment method, the means of alternative medicine can be applied.

First Aid

The best thing parents can do visit in case of suspicion for the presence of parasites in children – you infectiologist or pediatrician. Any strong anti-parasitic agents without a previous diagnosis is pointless and dangerous.

Until the results of the analyses can only carry out symptomatic treatment.

In case of vomiting, diarrhea not to hurry with the ingestion of drugs, the body tries to get rid of all unnecessary, just give your child plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

Treatment with drugs

The basis of therapy in parasitic infestation make anti parasitic drugs, drugs in the Form of tablets, suspensions, as a rectal suppository, you can choose that a safe and effective treatment option for a child of any age.

Other drugs used in parasitic infestation:

  • Sorbents speed up the process of cleansing the body, to restore the Balance of the intestinal flora;
  • jelchegonne prescribe drugs with the defeat of parasites of the liver, the gallbladder;
  • Laxatives constipation eliminate, promote the excretion of parasites;
  • Medications for the restoration of the functions of the digestive tract;
  • Antihistamines;
  • Multivitamin complexes.

Since most drugs have no effect on the viability of the eggs of the parasites, the drugs must be taken three times at intervals of 15-20 days. In the diagnosis of Helminthiasis of the child, the treatment all your family members must draw at the same time.

The battle with the worm provokes people's medicine

Methods of alternative medicine to help cleanse the body, eliminate inflammation, reduce the Manifestation of intoxication, to strengthen the immune system. But only with the help of the recipes in full worms to get rid of difficult, and often impossible, to sensibly combine them with taking medication.

Simple Recipes Home Remedies:

  1. Pour 220 ml of boiling water 20 G of Flaxseed, leave it for 30 minutes. Drink 100 ml before Breakfast and dinner during the week.
  2. Pour 1 Tbsp. L. crushed chamomile flowers 280 ml of boiling water, leave in a closed container to let it cool. The entire dose of medication to drink during the day, continue therapy for 5 days. This is the safe means to restore the digestive tract after Helminthiasis.
  3. Boil 1 TSP of the powder of dry vermouth 500 ml of boiling water, cool, strain. You can give your child in 20 ml of drink three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  4. Pour 1 Liter of boiling water for 5 kg of fresh sorrel, boil the mixture in a water bath for 2 hours, drain. Take 2 SIP before each meal.
  5. Clean the shells of medium size, peel and chop finely, pour 500 ml of water, boil on low heat for 30 minutes. Strain, divided into 3 parts, give your child 1 dose every half hour. After 3 hours of laxative to drink.

Most of the parasites survive poorly in an acidic environment, in the treatment of worms attack is activated in the menu Sauerkraut, juices from acid fruits and berries. Speed up the process of cleaning, the immune system helps to strengthen fresh carrots or juice from it. During therapy you dispense with the baking and fast carbs.

Prevention of infestation of worms in children

The risk of the development of Helminthiasis, note from the early years to get used to of the child, basic rules of Hygiene – frequently and thoroughly-the hands wash after the road, using the toilet, before eating and after contact with animals. Don't you keep your dirty hands to your face, pull the Finger, objects in the mouth.

Methods of prevention:

  • do not give your child raw water, products without sufficient heat treatment;
  • all the fruits and vegetables wash with hot water, preferably boiling, heavily contaminated products can soak 7-15 minutes in Soda solution;
  • on a walk, Spray and wipes enjoy with antiseptic effect;
  • short nails child cut;
  • avoid bathing in fresh water with stagnant water;
  • you have to defend products, the dwelling of the fly, not on the street;
  • Treatment of the skin, the clothes against mosquitoes;
  • regular anti-parasitic treatment of domestic animals.

Important! About the advisability of taking medication for the prophylaxis of parasitic invasions doctors constantly argue. Some experts recommend drinking medication for all children in the preschool and primary school age twice a year, other pediatricians are against such a method, since the remedy for parasites are toxic, it is impossible to predict when the infection is happening.

Worms in children are often, timely diagnosis and drug therapy help to eliminate the parasites quickly. Drugs to combat parasites, you can buy in the pharmacy without prescription, but self-medication is dangerous – the wrong dosage can lead to malfunction of the brain, nervous system, kidneys, liver